Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Joseph Gordon-Levitt Stripped on SNL

photo of joseph gordon levitt nudes snl pic
We talked about Joseph Gordon-Levitt‘s imminent appearance on last night’s SNL, and he delivered. If, by “delivered,” it means “he showed up and did the contractual hosting duty thing.” In the opening monologue, JGL and company spoofed Magic Mike, and naturally, there was a lot of grinding, hip-thrusting, and black leather. It was … meh, to say the least.

Here’s a poor quality video, but hey. It’s a video at any rate.

Last, can someone honestly tell me—was Magic Mike this bad? Was it this God-awful? Because wow. If this is all what the movie entailed, I’m so, so glad I didn’t go to see it that one night. Yike.

Who did it better—JGL or the cast of Magic Mike?


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  • This is pretty close to the actual stripping in Magic Mike. The movie itself wasn’t bad, though – it was interesting, at least.