Today's Evil Beet Gossip

More Bad News for Kristen Stewart: Her Parents Are Splitting Up, Too

photo of jules stewart pictures photos divorce paper pic
According to sources, Kristen Stewart’s mom, Jules, has gone and filed for divorce from Kristen’s dad, John, to whom she’d been married for almost three decades. The petition cites irreconcilable differences for the split, but come on. What is that*? After thirty years you realize that you can’t reconcile certain things between two people? How does it take that long?

To be fair, Jules and John have allegedly been estranged from one another since 2010, but sources are also saying that the fact didn’t keep Kristen from hoping that her parents would—and here’s that word again—reconcile their differences and continue their marriage into the half-century mark.

Bummer, guys. Bummer.

*Alright. I … I just have to ask. … Did Kristen maybe ruin her parents’ marriage, too? (I know, I know; low blow, but come on. It was so open. You know, like Kristen’s legs.)

14 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Are there enough ads on your site? I understand that you want to make money, but come the F on. There was a Clinique ad in the bottom center, 2 boxes on bottom left and bottom right, and one over the bottom of the picture. FOUR ads to X out of? This is an all-time low for EvilBeet.

  • Or maybe, perhaps knowing that their child is undergoing a difficult period in her life they submitted the paperwork to finalize their divorce in order to take some of the public focus off her?

  • Thats really mean to say. She OBVIOUSLY didn’t cause her parents split, and thats a truly horrible thing to put on a child. Maybe Sarah’s parents haven’t divorced, but I’m Kristen’s age, and if someone blamed my parents divorce on me, it would be so painful. Its wrong to do her like that.

  • and i LOVE this site, i’ve read it for years, and i’ve never felt the need to comment on something, but you guys are better than this.

    • If you’ve read it for years, then you’d realize that it was nothing more than a ridiculous, irreverent joke (much like a lot of the other content on the site.)

  • That’s just rude and completely immature. What kind of mentality do you have to have to honestly even connect that together? How can a 22 year old break up their parents marriage by cheating on her boyfriend of 3 years??? To even put that on here is just so ridiculous that is really shows a side of this site I don’t like. I was really beginning to enjoy reading this but if this is the level of intelligence coming from the writers I’m not sure there is anything worth my time here.

  • Wow people, get a sense of humor. Maybe her mom is a cheat just like her daughter. I can’t believe people even think she’s a “serious” actress. Try doing a movie that isn’t geared toward teenage girls, turn we’ll see if she can hack it

    • What is wrong with a film geared towards teenage girls? They are the most precious thing in the world, and you can fuck right off if you think that just because a teenage girl likes something, it’s crap. Teenage girls, by the way, are the demographics that elevated the Beatles, Elvis, and Johnny Cash to star status so clearly they don’t have such bad taste now, do they?

    • She has:

      Into the Wild, Panic Room, On the Road…. there are more but I don’t feel like going to IMDB to make a point.

      Just know that she has. I don’t even like her much but your comment pissed me off.