Today's Evil Beet Gossip


photo of january jones pictures nudes pic
January Jones is sleeping around to further her career, of course. [The Superficial]

Katie Holmes is going back to fashion, too—soon! [Lainey Gossip]

More of Chad Ochocinco’s mistresses. [Bossip]

Avril Lavigne‘s ring weighs in at $350k. [Starpulse]

Ashley Greene really wants to be the new Kristen Stewart. [Cele|bitchy]

Another director drops Angelina Jolie’s ‘Cleopatra’. [Huff Po]

Soldiers battle PTSD. [The Frisky]

Salma Hayek’s cleavage is all over the place. [Yeeeah]

Lance Armstrong is the biggest loser. [I’m Not Obsessed]

Joseph Gordon-Levitt behind the scenes. [theBERRY]

PHOTOS: Robert Pattinson is on fire. [INFDaily]

The Britney Spears bikini photo is four years old. FOUR. [Amy Grindhouse]

Lady Gaga wants a piece of Prince Harry. [Bohomoth]

Vintage Gossip: Chris Brown admits that he beat the snot out of Rihanna. [IDLYITW]

Jennifer Aniston is spreading her own pregnancy rumors through her mom. [Cele|bitchy]

Taylor Swift fears she’ll never be a “real” Kennedy. [Lainey Gossip]

Someone insulted the Royal Penis. [The Superficial]

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  • You can just feel the waves of ice cold air and little sparks emanating from the January Jonesbot. Such a turn-on.