Today's Evil Beet Gossip


photo of winnie cooper pictures
People think Obama staged the Colorado shooting for his Presidency. [The Superficial]

Jessica Biel is always, always wrong. [Lainey Gossip]

First Jennifer Aniston engagement photos! [INFDaily]

Kristen Stewart will emerge from her hiding place soon. [ICYDK]

‘Scooby Doo’ and Wrestlemania? [Huff Po]

Kim wants to be with Kanye ’til they’re eighty. [Celebslam]

The woman who got death threats because she was just so darn beautiful. [Cele|bitchy]

Mayim Bialik‘s going to be OK, thank God. [Hollywood Backwash]


Disney Kids: Now & Then. [theBERRY]

Kristen Stewart says “Screw you.” [I’m Not Obsessed]

Winnie Cooper is way smart. [Lainey Gossip]