Christina Aguilera is the voice of world hunger. [The Superficial]
Michael Fassbender’s penis. [Lainey Gossip]
Casper Smart is stepping out on J. Lo. [ICYDK]
Brad Pitt‘s big old black eye. [INFDaily]
So many ‘Hobbit‘ films, so little interest. [Huff Po]
Michael Buble is still banging the model. [CDL]
Derek Jeter‘s new piece. [Celebslam]
Lindsay‘s spending like there’s no tomorrow. [Cele|bitchy]
Kristen Stewart’s affair was six months long. [IDLYITW]
Jenny McCarthy’s bikini photo shoot, because the nudes weren’t good enough. [Hollywood Backwash]
Personal pics from the Olympics. [theBERRY]
Snoop changed his name. [OMGBlog]
Zombie vigilantes. [Pajiba]
The rape charge is happening. [Celebrity VIP Lounge]