Today's Evil Beet Gossip


photo of christian bale pictures black and white pic Russell Brand leaves the studio where he talked about WHEELCHAIR SEX with Katy Perry. Dear God. [I'm Not Obsessed] Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds: getting married! [Amy Grindhouse] Halle Berry messed up her head (and I'm not EVEN talking about her concussion). [IDLYITW] Sad to say that Miley Cyrus fashion wins again. [INFDaily] Shirtless Friday! [theBERRY] Did Anne Hathaway get a boob job, too? [Yeeeah] They're making a movie about Tom Cruise's epic craziness. [The Frisky] WAT...

Jimmy Kimmel Gives Snooki the Trashiest Baby Present Ever

photo of jimmy kimmel pictures snooki I know, I know; it's a joke and Fisher-Price doesn't really make GTL sets for babies (I don't think). But still. I'd almost feel bad for Snooki (I mean, come on---look at her face in these pictures. Mildly amused is putting it nicely) if it weren't for the fact that she's a complete moron who dug her own publicity grave. I mean, what. People are supposed to take Snooki all serious now because she's pregnant? We're supposed to forget that, prior to getting knocked up, she was a fight-provoking,...

UPDATED: Shooter Kills 12 in Colorado Movie Theater, Injures 38

I know this isn't the type of news we cover normally, but how can you not pay attention to this kind of story? Earlier this morning, at the midnight showing of 'Dark Knight Rises', suspect James Holmes, twenty-four years old, appeared at the front of the movie theater armed with a rifle, handgun, shotgun, and assorted smoke-type bombs, broke into the theater where 'Dark Knight' was playing, and proceeded to shoot people at random. Holmes is said to be a local resident to Aurora, Colorado. No motive has been released, if there was any motive aside from F-CKING CRAZY. The suspect's mother (who lives in San Diego) was contacted, and according to ABC News, Holmes' mother said:
"You have the right person," she said, apparently speaking on gut instinct. "I need to call the police... I need to fly out to Colorado."
Witnesses say that twenty or thirty rounds were fired off within the first minute or so, and the youngest of the victims was three months old. Another little girl was taken from the theater with a back wound. Sources said she was not moving. I could f-cking just die. This is horrible, horrible, horrible news and it makes me positively sick to my stomach that people can't even go to the damn movie theater without having to fear for their lives or wonder if they---or their loved ones---are going to make it home later that evening. It's heartbreaking. There's no other word for it. Please say some prayers for the victims and their families of this f-cking senseless tragedy, because this is a pretty bad one, guys. UPDATE: Here's the first photo of the shooter, James Holmes. May somebody blast this f-cker in the face with a mallet---or worse. photo of colorado shooter james holmes pictures I know this isn't the type of news we cover normally, but how can you not pay attention to this kind of story? Earlier this morning, at the midnight showing of 'Dark Knight Rises', suspect James Holmes, twenty-four years old, appeared at the front of the movie theater armed with a rifle, handgun, shotgun, and assorted smoke-type bombs, broke into the theater where 'Dark Knight' was playing, and proceeded to shoot people at random. Holmes is said to be a local resident to Aurora, Colorado. No...

Katie Holmes Is Headed Back to Broadway!

A photo of Katie Holmes I would imagine that if it weren't for the constant swarm of paparazzi that surrounds Katie Holmes everywhere she goes, she'd get a high five from every single person that recognized her. You could see that, right? Immediately after she filed for divorce from ol' cray-cray Tom, her life seemed to get unspeakably better, and it really is heartwarming to watch. And here's another example of how things keep getting better for Katie: she just landed a role on Broadway! Get ready to see a lot mo...

An Update on Fred Willard’s Masturbatory Scandal

A photo of Fred Willard Listen. Listen. I LOVE Fred Willard. I love him to death. Roseanne, remember? He was Leon's completely lovable husband, and that was enough to make me love him forever, no matter what he does with his penis in public. I'm obviously on Fred's side here (like Sarah said yesterday, why is it so bad that someone gets his discrete masturbation on in an adult movie theater?), but it looks like the rest of the world isn't. Here are a few developments that have happened since the story bro...

7 Questions With Annette Bening’s Trans Son, Stephen Ira Beatty

First, can I say that Stephen, who was born Kathlyn, looks nowhere near twenty years old? No, this young man looks more like twelve than twenty. Somebody's going to age well, apparently. Someone *also* needs to lay off the caffeine, because HOLY COW. I think I finally found someone who speaks faster than I do. No joke. I talk fast, guys, but not nearly as fast as Stephen Ira here. Bottom line, it's got to be completely awesome to be Stephen, because he's pretty damn awesome. Also, his mother is Annette Bening (and yeah, his father's Warren Beatty, but being the son of Annette Bening is mad better than being the son of Warren Beatty). Here's the questions part of the transcript if you thought Stephen's speech was too fast to catch, minus all of the good tangents and, of course, Stephen's answers. Go ahead and feel free to answer the questions in the comments. You know. Because that kind of stuff is fun.
1) What's your name? Chosen or otherwise. Now, beyond your name, I personally don't really care how you identify. I'm not entirely comfortable with defining myself in the terms we're given, and I kind of enjoying watching my mind struggle to gender someone. It's an automatic habit, and not one I care to assist. However, if it's important to you to be know as a trans man or woman, cross-dresser, queer, androgynous, non-binary, or whatever, or if you want people to use certain pronouns when referring to you in comments or discussion, go ahead and lay those on us. Whatever you're comfortable with. 2) Who has been most supportive of your transition? If you haven't started transition, who's been most supportive of your gender expression, questioning or explorations? 3) What do most enjoy about your life since beginning transition? That is, what are some of the things you love doing now, that you couldn't do before? And if you're not there yet, what about the possibility of transition excites you the most? What do you look forward to? 4) Who are your trans role models? or Who have you looked up to in the trans community? Who inspires you? Whether it's someone you know, or someone you've admired from afar, this is your chance to give a shout out. 5) What change(s) would you most like to see in the world? This can be trans related, or not, but we'd love to know where your passion lies. 6) What are you doing to make those changes happen? That's right all, no getting off the hook! We're all in this big ol' mess together, and we each need to do our part. Share with us how you're the change you want to see. And finally, magical number 7, tell us something, anything, special and unique about you, your interests, your story. Never forget, gender is just one part of the larger project of becoming a fully authentic human being.
LOVE. /> First, can I say that Stephen, who was born Kathlyn, looks nowhere near twenty years old? No, this young man looks more like twelve than twenty. Somebody's going to age well, apparently. Someone *also* needs to lay off the caffeine, because HOLY COW. I think I finally found someone who speaks faster than I do. No joke. I talk fast, guys, but not nearly as fast as Stephen Ira here. Bottom line, it's got to be completely awesome to be Stephen, because he's pretty damn awesome. Also, his mother ...

The 2012 Emmy Nominations Are In!

photo of 2012 emmy nomination pictures Since there are a zillion categories (OK, maybe not that many), I've gone ahead and taken the liberty to give you the ones that really matter. Yay! Without further ado, the 2012 Emmy Nominations: Drama Series Boardwalk Empire Breaking Bad Downtown Abbey Game of Thrones Homeland Mad Men Lead Actress Drama Kathy Bates – Harry’s Law Glenn Close – Damages Claire Danes – Homeland Michelle Dockery – Downton Abbey Julianna Margulies – The Good Wife Elisabeth Moss – Mad Men Lea...

Lourdes Thinks Madonna Is, Like, So Lame

A photo of Madonna and Lourdes To be fair, when I was Lourdes' age (15, ugh), I thought my mom was so lame, too, mostly because she kept trying to borrow my clothes and because I hated her stupid boyfriend. Time has passed though, and her stupid boyfriend became my awesome stepfather, and while she still tries to borrow my clothes, at least now she'll let me borrow her jewelry. The point is, even though I thought my mom was the absolute lamest back then, I realize now that she was actually always incredibly wonderful. Probably...

Katie Holmes Was an Abomination to Scientology

photo of katie holmes us weekly magazine cover pictures And she wasn't even brought into the church the right way, guys, GOD. That means she's not even a "real" Scientologist, whatever the f-ck that is, anyway. Here's a recent blog entry by Marty Rathbun, who was former second-in-command at the Co$. David Miscavige has no doubt by now convinced Tom Cruise that yours truly ought to be the target of his ire for Katie Holmes’ splendidly executed split and consequent historic media coverage. After all, he’s already got Cruise’s attorney, th...


photo of michael fassbender pictures Snooki launched her own cherry soda for whatever reason. [I'm Not Obsessed] Tom Cruise sped through New York City on a helicopter for Suri. [The Superficial] PHOTOS: Ice cream and Mark Ruffalo for all you lovers out there. [Lainey Gossip] Jason Lee's ex-wife blames the Church of Squirrels for her marriage's demise. [Starpulse] Celebrities boycott Chick-Fil-A because they hate gays. [Cele|bitchy] What a belly full of Lohan looks like. [TMZ] 25 Deepest, Darkest Book Confessions. [The ...

Stars Without Makeup: Snooki Again!

A photo of Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi I'm sorry, but photos of Snooki without all the fake eyelashes and pink lipstick and pounds and pounds of bronzer will always be so dear and so special to me. It was way back in January when we first saw Snooki without makeup (even though some of you thought she was wearing a little bit), and I was immediately mesmerized, and I've tried to keep my eye out for any makeup-free Snooki photos ever since. This girl is actually stunning without all the makeup she paints on herself, isn't she? Bu...

Weight Watchers Doesn’t Even Care What Jessica Simpson Does

A photo of Jessica Simpson Ok, I think they care, but not to the extent that we thought they did. Because remember all those stories about Jessica Simpson's contract with Weight Watchers, and the deadlines they put her on, and about how she'd lose out on millions of dollars if she didn't lose the weight fast enough? Yeah, apparently none of that was even true. Go figure. From People: Like many new moms, Jessica Simpson was eager to get her pre-baby body back after giving birth to daughter Maxwell Drew on May 1. "For me, I really want to do somet...