Today's Evil Beet Gossip

More Octomom Body Pictures if You Feel Like Gouging Your Eyes Out Today

photo of nadya suleman on the beach pictures What's with the dark, sunken eyes? It's frightening! I'm going to be honest, and put all of my Haterade back in the fridge, and I'm going to go ahead and say that there are parts of Nadya Suleman's body that are generally OK. She's got some impressive boobs for having a thousand kids, and her legs aren't all that awful, either. The rest ... well, some of it's "meh," some of it's "OH F-CK WHAT IS THAT I'M LOOKING AT?!" But her eyes, guys. I'm seriously frightened. They're so corpsey and empty ...

Mila Kunis Evades the Ashton Kutcher Question in This Month’s Glamour

photo of mila kunis glamour magazine pictures Who knew someone who's casually-or-not-so-casually having sex with Ashton Kutcher, extra-marital sex beast, could be so down to earth and likable? Not this girl, that's for sure. Mila Kunis interviewed with Glamour magazine for their August '12 issue and covered pretty much everything you could want to talk about---with the exception of obviously discussing what's going on with Ashton Kutcher. She talked online dating, weight loss, 'Black Swan', and but no iron-clad confirmation of Ashton Kutcher-sex was in sight. DISAPP...


photo of bradley cooper pictures photos David Beckham is apparently Russell Brand's drug dealer. [The Superficial] 'Breaking Bad' season 5 preview. [Lainey Gossip] Terrell Owens has a self-pleasure video out! [Bossip] 'Snooki and JWoww' recap. [Starpulse] Johnny Depp and Amber Heard aren't serious, they're only f-cking. [Cele|bitchy] The mistake that "crushed" Mary J. Blige. [Huff Po] Radio host says nuns should be pistol-whipped. [The Frisky] Why Ann Curry was fired. [Yeeeah] The best of Friday Fashion. [theBERRY] Sharon Stone shows her tits off again. [INFDaily] Katy Perry says no one relates...

UPDATED: Yeah, Jenny McCarthy’s Playboy Shoot Was REAL Classy

photo of jenny mccarthy playboy nudes pictures 2012 pic Remember how Jenny McCarthy said the other day that her newest Playboy photo spread was so classy that it could actually be featured in W magazine? LOL ON THAT! Oh my God, has she ever even picked up a copy of W? I found the pictures, and let me tell you---they are far, far, far from classy. I'd go as far as to say that they're treading profusely in deep "seedy" waters, and classy isn't even in the same pool. Jump in to check out Jenny's NSFW "classy" nudie shoot. And then stick in your skankbank and forget ...

Quotables: Andrew Garfield Knows What’s Up

A photo of Andrew Garfield "That freaking dreamboat ….. I think I'm more attracted to Ryan than any woman could ever be. I think about him so often. I'm not joking. I have a proper man crush. Years ago, we did a screen test together, and he was just so inspiring. He reminded me of what I imagined Pacino and De Niro were like back in the day, that kind of truthful, visceral, lived-in acting. I was like, That's what I want to follow. - Andrew Garfield explains his crush on our crush, Ryan Gosling. Also, wait a seco...

Adam Levine Gives Another Douchey Interview

A photo of Adam Levine From USA Today: Humility, blandness and an aw-shucks bashfulness are staples of the carefully calibrated celebrity interview. Not so with Adam Levine. "I have a high self-opinion — I don't need to hide that. I don't need to be self-deprecating," he says. "I do believe that I deserve what I have. I don't think I'm entitled to it. That's a big difference." Levine, 33, doesn't pretend he's dateless or recovering from a tormented adolescence. Nor will you find him delivering homespun anecdot...

Love It or Leave It: Charlize Theron’s Head

A photo of Charlize Theron For the past few weeks, Charlize Theron has been wandering around, wearing hats over her newly shaved head and carrying her adorable son. I didn't show you pictures or anything because, you know, she kept wearing hats, and how am I supposed to show you pictures of Charlize Theron's hats when I can keep telling you all about Octomom's porn? But today is different. Today, we have a picture of Charlize without the hat: Charlize shaved her head for her role in Mad Max, and man, what is a great decision. Y'all know tha...

Listen to Lady Gaga’s Upbeat New Song, “Princess Die”

That's D-I-E, folks. D-I-E. I've always said how much I enjoy Lady Gaga's simpler songs - you know, the ones where she's just playing a piano and singing and not trying to copy Madonna - so of course I kind of like this song. The song is really dark, obviously, but I appreciate the idea behind it. Over here, me and Sarah are pretty lighthearted most of the time. Sure, we get frustrated by things, and we have our fair share of snark, obviously, but we don't want anything bad to happen to these silly celebrities. Meanwhile, on the rest of the internet, there are a lot of people who want bad things to happen to celebrities. I know I don't have to tell you this, but there are tons and tons of bloggers and commentors on blogs who say they wish Lindsay would overdose already and get it over with or who say that Jessica Simpson is so fat that she should just kill herself. It's ridiculous, and it's really sad, but it comes up pretty often. Anyway, I really just wish that Lady Gaga would never, ever speak in public, and that she'd just sit at a piano and sing songs all the time. And I mean that in a completely supportive way. /> That's D-I-E, folks. D-I-E. I've always said how much I enjoy Lady Gaga's simpler songs - you know, the ones where she's just playing a piano and singing and not trying to copy Madonna - so of course I kind of like this song. The song is really dark, obviously, but I appreciate the idea behind it. Over here, me and Sarah are pretty lighthearted most of the time. Sure, we get frustrated by things, and we have our fair share of snark, obviously, but we don't want anything bad to hap...

Michelle Duggar Thinks Your Thighs Are Shameful

A photo of the Duggars Man, is it just the South, or did summer happen really suddenly? I mean, it's going to be 100 degrees here tomorrow. I'll be over at our new house for most of the day, painting and putting down the hardwood floors and scrubbing the gross old oven again, and you know, I might like to wear a tank top. Maybe even shorts if I'm feeling feisty. It's going to be hot as hell, you know? But then I read this blog by Michelle Duggar about "modesty and bathing suits," and I guess I have to put on the ...

Donna Pinciotti Nudes! Donna Pinciotti Nudes!

photo of donna pinciotti laura prepon nudes pictures Oh, right, her real name's Laura Prepon. I always seem to forget that for some reason or another. Anyway, NUDES, and the movie's called 'Lay the Favorite', and believe me, the irony is not lost upon me. From IMDB: A dramedy centered on a thirtysomething woman who becomes involved with a group of geeky fiftyish men who have found a way to work the sportsbook system in Las Vegas to their advantage. The film also stars Bruce Willis, Vince Vaughn, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Joshu...

Oh, So Kelly Osbourne Did Get Wasted and Emotional on a Transatlantic Flight?

photo of kelly osbourne pink hair pictures From, uh, Radar Online: Kelly Osbourne is speaking out and admitting exclusively to that she was drunk on a plane recently, but explains the heartbreaking details that led up to her breakdown when she “lost it.” In a candid interview, Kelly opened up about what happened to cause her to turn to alcohol. “The first thing I want to say is the only reason I’m being so honest and telling you what happened is because I don’t think it’s fair for me to lie. I’m n...


photo of chuck norris pictures jokes funny pic Andrew Garfield based 'Spiderman' on porn. [The Superficial] Johnny Depp and Amber Heard together. PHOTOS. [Lainey Gossip] Chris Evans likes emotional women. [Cele|bitchy] Congressman attacks Justin Bieber. [TMZ] The most uncomfortable pants in the world. [Socialite Life] Ann Curry cries. [Socialite Life] PHOTO: Lourdes tries on Madonna's costumes. [OMGBlog] Jessica Biel should always look like this. [Yeeeah] Rihanna and the Case of the Worst Outfit Ever. [INFDaily] Salma Hayek: no makeup. [Celebslam] Is Lindsay a tease? [IDLYITW] The healt...