From J Woww’s Twitter feed:
Bristol should keep her uneducated ignorant mouth shut. If Ur living in the past u wouldn’t have a kid w/out marriage #hypocrite. It’s 2012!
OK, so while I don’t *exactly* understand what J Woww’s saying here (“if ur living in the past u wouldn’t have a kid w/out marriage”—what is that?), I understand her sentiments and respect her for standing up (?) for what she believes in. I mean, I have absolutely no doubts that her comments were made in order to help educate the public on how ignorant Bristol Palin actually is, and not because she secretly hopes that President Obama himself is going to see this on Twitter, embrace her ways of life, and invite her into the house as his mistress. We all know she wants to get down with Barack like that, but I just don’t think it’s going to happen.
No, I’m going to believe that old J Woww‘s motives were pure on this one, guys, and if that makes me ignorant, then so be it. There’s worse things to be on this fine Friday afternoon, you know*.
*Bristol Palin. Bristol Palin would be the worse thing in question to be this fine Friday afternoon, guys.
shes saying that you cant pick and choose your stupid ass backwards values. if you are going to live in the “past”, as in be traditional with “traditional values” (not support gay marriage) then why would you get knocked up before marriage? she is basically saying that bristol is a big whorey hypocrite. and dumb to boot.
Yes she is a big whorey hypocrite!!! Nobody cares what she thinks and who is she to say the Prezzzzz should rethink his view on this shit?!?!?! Ummm excccccuuuussseee meee..
Sarah is probably related to Bristol. Which is why she doesn’t follow JWoww
@Kathy, yeah I immediately thought of this too, why is it so hard to understand? It’s pretty clear:P
Do agree with J-woww, Palin-girl is a hypocrite, pretending she is all about the bible/old values and morals, but still have a child out of wedlock and then whine about gay people. Rather see 2 happy men getting married than Kim Kardashian and co having 2 hour marriages.
Hard to get behind the righteous sentiment coming from a shitty reality TV star. I remember laughing heartily at that idiot trying to sound smart on Jersey Shore.
Still hate that some entitled, skank, nobody gets any media attention at all because America laughs at her mom. I’m still not convinced she wasn’t her mom’s first retard baby.
JWoww lecturing anybody is a joke. Why there is any attention paid to on overage teenager whose claim to fame is drunken antics in summer Jersey bars is beyond me.
Can’t pick or chose your sins to condemn or allow is the proper usage.. However the guilty often don’t like to be reminded there are sins..
there are probably only a few people in the world LESS qualified to discuss politics than Birstol Paline. among those few people are the entire cast of Jersey Shore.
Aww good on JWoww.