Today's Evil Beet Gossip


photo of candid mark ruffalo hot pics
Mark Wahlberg has a big, dangly penis. [The Superficial]

Sienna Miller even has pregnant Oxfords. [Lainey Gossip]

Jennifer Lopez keeps talking about pregnancy—is there something we should know? [Starpulse]

What to Expect When You’re Expecting‘ takes over Redbook. You know, that grandma magazine. [theBERRY]

Gwyneth Paltrow supports The Conversation. [Socialite Life]

Mila Kunis’s stalker is terrorizing her. [TMZ]

13 Signs you’ve got a selfish lover. [The Frisky]

Tanning Mom thinks we’re at war with Cuba. [Cele|bitchy]

Rihanna‘s itchy puss. [Yeeeah]

Justin Bieber is no longer in high school. Look out. [Huff Po]

Matthew Fox busted for drunk driving. [Bitten and Bound]

Miley Cyrus‘s pointy boobs. [The Superficial]

French guys in underpants. [OMGBlog]

Tyra Banks and Drake? [Lainey Gossip]

Rihanna pisses everyone off, apparently, too. [IDLYITW]

Kate Upton is Cat Daddying again. [College Poison]

What’s happening to Jessica Biel? [Hollywood PQ]

Mark Ruffalo was hacked. [Celebrity VIP Lounge]