Bruce Willis told Demi Moore to go to rehab, she chose penis cake and whip-its. [The Superficial]
Demi Moore + Miley Cyrus = BFFs. [The Frisky]
Keira Knightley’s sex faces. [The Blemish]
Kirsten Dunst and Garret Hedlund are still dating. [Socialite Life]
The Situation whipped out his dick and Snooki pissed on the floor. [Popbytes]
Because Bono needs more money. [Celebslam]
That’s flattering, Kim Kardashian. [theBERRY]
Ryan Gosling On Demand? Yes please! [OMGBlog]
I’ve slept with more guys than Blake Lively. Something’s wrong with that picture. [IDLYITW]
Adam Lambert touring with Queen? [Huff Po]
Jesse Eisenberg in New Orleans. That’s all you’ve gotta know. [Lainey Gossip]
Rihanna and Drake? [Lainey Gossip]
Sacha Baron Cohen‘s Super Bowl ad. [Hollywood Backwash]