Today's Evil Beet Gossip

This is Karlie Kloss, and She’s the New “Body” of Vogue and the Fashion World

photo of karlie kloss black and white elle body pictures photos 2011 pic I'm sorry, but this? ^^ This up there? Is kind of frightening to me. And what's further frightening is that the above photo is probably not Photoshopped. I have no doubts that it's the real deal. This is Karlie Kloss, and she's ranked as one of the up-and-coming top models of the world. She even did a Victoria's Secret debut earlier this year, which puts her to the likes of Gisele Bundchen, Miranda Kerr, and Heidi Klum. You can check out some other photos from the shoot, and there's actually one in there that doesn't look too bad...

Hey! Demi Lovato’s Nipslip!

photo of demi lovato nipples boobs pics AWRIGHT! Now this is what I'm talking about! I mean, it's not the greatest nipslip of all time (there're definitely some epic ones out there, but this is not one of them), but who wouldn't want to see even a glimpse of Demi Lovato's left nipple? Anyone? ... Didn't think so. Enjoy the kind-of-NSFW photo after the jump and leave your favorite nipslips in the comments. Read More...

Afternoon Delight

photo of ira glass pictures photos sex tape pic This is LeAnn Rimes on fat day. [The Superficial] Rachel McAdams and her boyfriend are still together. [Lainey Gossip] Why we all love Jennifer Love Hewitt. [Starpulse] Taylor Swift, Billboard's Woman of the Year? [theBERRY] Sad Jake Gyllenhaal and his sad beard. [Socialite Life] Nude photos of Shaun White. [TMZ] Sarah Jessica Parker "knows" what she looks like. [Cele|bitchy] PHOTOS: Celebrities when they were young adults. [Socialite Life] Listen to Nicki Minaj's new track, "Roman in Moscow." [Popbytes] Lady Gaga is huge because of Donald Trump. [Huff Po] Miss USA ...

Love It or Leave It: Jennifer Lopez Puts Her Best Cheeks Forward

photo of jennifer lopez hot body pictures photos pics age pic I don't know about you guys, but I think Jennifer Lopez's got one of the best bodies in the business. She's curvy, natural, and above all, aging pretty well. Girlfriend's not her former In Living Color age, but she's way hotter than almost all of the other women in her celebrity peer group including Jennifer Aniston, Cate Blanchett, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Renee Zellweger. Also, the dress is the hotness. Yeah, PETA'd probably break out in tears to read that (it's made out of leather, yel...

Robert Pattinson Was Out With This Chick Over the Weekend

[image removed on request] The lady in the back seat of the car is Sarah Roemer, and she's an actress most famous for a role in Disturbia. That, and she was also featured in Maxim. Lately, there've been rumors of a break-up between Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, and these photos really only fuel the fire that's been burning over the past few weeks. But do I believe it? Hm. I don't know. I'm not really sure. I mean, a lot of people say that Kristen and Rob's relationship is totally faked and totally staged and totally for the benefit of the Twilight films' publicity, but I don't really get that vibe. If that's the case, come on. Was Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams' relationship staged? Are you telling me that there's no true love left in the world? If Bella Swan and Edward Cullen can't make it without some average-looking twit blonde named Sarah coming between them, who can, I ask? WHO? All I know is that in the looks department, Kristen's got this bitch beat. Who'd you rather:
/>[image removed on request] The lady in the back seat of the car is Sarah Roemer, and she's an actress most famous for a role in Disturbia. That, and she was also featured in Maxim. Lately, there've been rumors of a break-up between Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, and these photos really only fuel the fire that's been burning over the past few weeks. But do I believe it? Hm. I don't know. I'm not really sure. I mean, a lot of people say that Kristen and Rob's relationship is totally faked and totally s...

Neil Patrick Harris Said “Tranny” and Ticked Off a Bunch of People

OK, I'm going to warn you - this clip is actually absolutely hilarious. I need to get a hold of this stuff for parties. Do you know how funny that'd be? Ugh. I'm dying over here. Anyway, the allegedly not-so-funny part of the clip was when NPH claimed that he's "never sounded more like a tranny in [his] life" after taking a hit of some gas that made his voice about forty shades deeper, but what's the deal according to you guys: offensive or not? Was Neil Patrick Harris's use of the word "tranny" in this context as offensive to you as others felt it was? Neil later apologized via Twitter saying:
"Truly sorry for saying the word 'tranny' on Live this week. Twice! Should have been more thoughtful. Didn't at all mean to offend."
Thoughts? Could it have been worse? Is it different coming from someone so damned lovable and sweet? Like, is it akin to a cute and cuddly puppy wearing a bonnet and a diaper calling your mother a motherf*cking c*nt and you can't really take it all that seriously? /> OK, I'm going to warn you - this clip is actually absolutely hilarious. I need to get a hold of this stuff for parties. Do you know how funny that'd be? Ugh. I'm dying over here. Anyway, the allegedly not-so-funny part of the clip was when NPH claimed that he's "never sounded more like a tranny in [his] life" after taking a hit of some gas that made his voice about forty shades deeper, but what's the deal according to you guys: offensive or not? Was Neil Patrick Harris's use of the word ...

Giuliana Rancic Will Have a Double Masectomy

photo of giuliana rancic pictures photos pics From People: "For me, it was important to get the cancer out. That's what I wanted to do, just get it out.  At the end, to be honest, all it came down to was just choosing to live, and not looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life," Rancic said. She said her husband's support was crucial in reaching the decision. "Bill said to me, 'I just need you around for the next 50 years, kid,' " she said. "He said, 'I don't care what you look like, I don't care about the physical portion of this...

Morning Wood

photo of hot amanda seyfried boobs pictures photos pics Kanye West wants world leaders at his funeral. [The Superficial] Is J. Lo's boyfriend going to propose? [Lainey Gossip] Tameka Foster wants Usher drug tested now. [Bossip] Fergie's humps, her humps. [Starpulse] The worst of the after-plastic-surgery. [theBERRY] Hilary Swank admits that she's stupid. [Cele|bitchy] Katy Perry and Russell Brand pretend they're not getting a divorce. [The Superficial] Kimberly Stewart's baby looks just like Jack Osbourne. [Amy Grindhouse] Bab...

Daniel Radcliffe Is Filthy and His Girlfriend Is Over It

A photo of Daniel Radcliffe I'm sorry, that headline sounds awful, doesn't it? Like little Daniel Radcliffe is this gross monster who doesn't even bathe and who has rats running around on his floors and maggots crawling out of his kitchen and bedbugs. Oh, and when you shake his hand, a cockroach wiggles out from under his sleeve and crawls onto your hand. Gross, right? But that's not what I'm trying to tell you. What I'm trying to tell you is that Daniel Radcliffe's girlfriend has given him just two short years to t...

Who Wants to See Lindsay on Reality TV?

A photo of Lindsay Lohan The correct answer is "everyone." Everyone would absolutely love to be able to see what Lindsay Lohan does with her day. Just think of it: we could see her getting attacked by her meth bugs, we could see how she does her makeup ... and that's just the beginning! We could get a glimpse into what truly goes into being Lindsay Lohan, and who wouldn't want that? Luckily for us, our wildest dreams might come true, because a charming little reality program called Celebrity Big Brother, which f...

Beyonce Is Eight Months Along, Talks to Katie Couric About It

For the beginning of this story, we're going to go ahead and assume that Beyonce is telling the truth about being pregnant, all right? We'll get more into it in a moment, but for now, Beyonce is a delighted pregnant lady, and her precious little baby should be here in about a month's time. Because she's eight months pregnant: Anyway, Beyonce was on 20/20 this past Friday, and in case you missed it, here are some highlights: On the rumors that her pregnancy is fake: "You know there a...
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