Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Ashton Kutcher Isn’t Hurting for Female Companionship

photo of ashton kutcher pictures berlin women girlfriends cheating on demi pics And would you expect anything else? Well, maybe, yes. Maybe if we were dealing with a man who actually had scruples and was entirely remorseful about cheating on a woman who was too good for his dumb ass to begin with, yes. It might be kind of surprising. But this is Ashton Kutcher, here; Ashton Kutcher, who cheated on Demi Moore on a damned wedding anniversary that wasn't even spent together because of "conflicting schedules," or as I like to call it "skanked-up booty calls in schmaltzy hotel rooms." Th...

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Went Topless for Whatever Reason

photo of rosie huntington-whiteley nudes pictures topless photos pics So, wow. I mean, wow. I've been nursing this girl-crush on Rosie Huntington-Whiteley for a minute now, and when I came across the temptation of running her nudes, I'd immediately jumped on it, thinking we were all in for a special holiday treat. But you know what? I'm not that impressed. I mean, they're boobs. They're neither here, nor there, and there's nothing to get all crazy about other than the fact that they're boobs - nude boobs - that happen to belong to a hot semi-celebrity. In all honesty? I expected fire...

The Hobbit Trailer is Here!

So, one time, I had a crush on this boy I went to school with, and I'm pretty sure it was in 5th grade or so. Kind of my first "real" crush in that I actually attempted to sit next to him in gym class instead of telling my girlfriends, "Ew, he totally smells; he's gross!" and go about my business as if I wasn't a budding adolescent with half a brain, wired for young attraction. Anyway, one night, I was sitting at home, doing my homework after dinner and the phone rang. I answered it and it happened to be Tony, the kid I had the crush on. Though I'd been hoping for this moment for, like, months, I completely wasn't prepared, hissed "Why are you calling me?" into the phone and - yes - hung up on him. Dear God. I immediately melted into a puddle of remorse and embarrassment. I mean, WHAT HAD I DONE. This was back in the day where caller ID had no place in society and *69 was a thing of the future - there was no way to get a hold of Tony other than to look up every residence with his last name and - gasp - try every name in the phone book. The phone book. So I did. It took me an hour, but I eventually phoned, found him, and apologized for being so rude earlier on the telephone. And to this day? I still remember that phone number, and I still remember the book report I was working on at the time. It was for The Hobbit. In short, The Hobbit will forever remain embedded in my memory as a token of the innocence in a young girl's school crush. GO HOBBIT. /> So, one time, I had a crush on this boy I went to school with, and I'm pretty sure it was in 5th grade or so. Kind of my first "real" crush in that I actually attempted to sit next to him in gym class instead of telling my girlfriends, "Ew, he totally smells; he's gross!" and go about my business as if I wasn't a budding adolescent with half a brain, wired for young attraction. Anyway, one night, I was sitting at home, doing my homework after dinner and the phone rang. I answered it and ...

Love It or Leave It: Mariah Carey’s Confusing the Holidays Again

photo of mariah carey pictures christmas 2011 photos jedi knight coat pics Girl, it's not Halloween - it's Christmas. You know, the Christmas that you and another little shithead ruined for me. Anyway, why are you dressed up like a Jedi knight? Am I going to see you whip out a silver hand? Have you gone to the dark side? Are you channeling Yoda? All I know is that, while, yes, you look completely amazing and I'm still having a hard time remembering that you birthed two kids at once and blew up like a zeppelin in the process, the weird samurai winter coat's gotta ...

Morning Wood

photo of bon jovi thrusting on stage pics Eddie Cibrian is afraid of LeAnn Rimes' boobs. [The Superficial] Blake is moving in on the territory. [Lainey Gossip] Paula Patton strips down and talks dirty. [Bossip] James Franco to play Hugh Hefner? [Starpulse] R. Kelly wrote 32 new chapters of "Trapped in the Closet." OMG. [TMZ] Mariah Yeater won't drop this paternity thing. [The Blemish] PHOTOS: Hot hunks from the 90's. [theBERRY] VIDEO: Rihanna vomits all over a live concert. [Huff Po] Prince William and Pippa Middleton having an affair? [Hollywood Dame] The Beckhams' family Chri...

Could Bridesmaids Win An Oscar?

Judd Apatow did an interview with Variety, and it's basically about how hard comedies are shafted during awards seasons. He says there's this big misconception that comedies are much easier to make than dramas or action flicks, so comedies rarely, if ever, get nominated for big awards, and I agree. I think it's sad that well-made comedic films with great scripts and solid acting don't get more recognition, but this year might be different. This year, Bridesmaids could win the Academy Award for Best Picture. Bridesmaids just burst into the Top 10 ...

This Is Probably The Creepiest Thing You Will Ever See

video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player Yesterday, Sarah showed you a delightful gallery of photos of Courtney Stodden rubbing herself all over Doug Hutchison, who was dressed as Santa Claus. And it was horrible and a little nauseating but, as always, it was hard to look away. Well, now we have the video of Courtney rubbing on Santa Claus. And it's still a little hard to look away, but you might have to, depending on how sensitive your gag reflex is. Because this is the...

Britney’s First Ex-Husband Also Has Thoughts on Her Engagement

A photo of Britney Spears and Jason Alexander You remember Britney Spears' first husband, Jason Alexander, don't you? They were married for a blissful 55 hours before the whole thing was annulled because Britney "lacked understanding of her actions to the extent that she was incapable of agreeing to the marriage," and ever since then Jason has proved himself to be such an asshole. And, you guys, today isn't any different. Yesterday I gave you guys those really sweet quotes from Britney's second ex-husband, Kevin Federline, about her engagement. Today we have Jason Alexander's opinio...

“‘Twas The Night Before Christmas” with Ryan Gosling, Jim Carrey, And Whiskey

Oh, and Eva Mendes. Because Eva Mendes is dating Ryan Gosling and she's definitely sleeping with him because they're serious enough that she shows up for a quick appearance in this video with him. Oh no, I didn't just ruin this, did I? I highly doubt it. Because few things are as lovable as Funny or Die's Drunk History series, few works of Christmas art are as well known as "'Twas the Night Before Christmas," and few things are as creepy as the thought of Jim Carrey dressed as Santa Claus and breaking...

Daniel Radcliffe Is Hosting Saturday Night Live!

A photo of Daniel Radcliffe It's true: on January 14th, we'll be given the greatest gift of all. Daniel Radcliffe will host Saturday Night Live, and the world will be a better place for it. Honestly, can you even imagine how adorable and magical this episode will be? Because I can't. All I can think of is funny but legitimate Harry Potter skits and watching Daniel do his monologue in one of his little precious suits. Maybe a Lonely Island song about Quidditch. I DON'T KNOW, THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS. What would you like to see Daniel do on SNL?...

Rooney Mara Didn’t Mean Anything Bad by Those SVU Remarks

A photo of Rooney Mara You remember what Rooney Mara said about her time on Law and Order: SVU, right? Here, I'll refresh your memory: “[Being on Law & Order: SVU] was so awful. So stupid. People are obsessed with that show. I don’t get it. Me and my boyfriend—although I don’t look old enough to have a boyfriend—went and beat up these fat people, and at the end of the show you find out that I used to be obese and I hate fat people. It’s ridiculous. Who would ever do that? Who would beat someone up...

Quotables: K-Fed Is So Happy for Britney!

A photo of Kevin Federline "I'm really happy for her—I think he's a great guy. "She's happy; she's doing really well. I want to say she's in a good place. I haven't spoken to her much since I've been over here—both of us have been busy with her being on tour—but I do know from talking to the kids and talking to the kids' teachers that they're doing really good. It's a good step in the right direction. I'm totally happy for her." - Kevin Federline expresses his happiness for his ex-wife, Britney Spears, upon news...
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