Shame on you for missing such an important program! Shame on you for not supporting Kim Kardashian in this, her moment of need! Shame on you for finding something else to do with your time besides supporting this lovable and wholesome family!
But, just because I love you guys, here’s a gallery that basically sums up what happened on last night’s show, thanks to Amy Grindhouse. You’re welcome, and do better next week!
I couldn’t help myself, I had to click through. But that was the last one, I’m never ever reading any Kardashian news again.
PS. Her face screams: too much botox.
I know the show is edited to make Kim look good but I must say Kris is such an a-hole I understand why she got out.
and she couldn’t get out of the relationship becaaaaaause…. oh that’s right! she made 18 million dollars! i call BS on her…she knew EXACTLY what she was doing. She has FINAL say on the editing of the show…which basically means she plans it. She will NEVER have anything on there that makes her look bad. period.
She “got out” because it wasn’t a real marriage dingus.
Furthermore, I tried looking at those pictures to see how piggish this fat porn star looks when she’s doing what we humans refer to as “crying”, but the ads on this website are SO FUCKING OBNOXIOUS, I just couldn’t take clicking through. Sorry Evilbeet, I know you have bills to pay but it’s getting a little out of hand when you have to “x” out of three separate boxes to view a photo.
Hi LegalEase! I just saw your comment and tried to replicate what you said happened, but I wasn’t able to. Did you mean there were pop-ups, or ads overlaying the photos, or …?
That’d likely be gumgum, then.
@liz you really buy into this? She did not “get out” of anything. She followed a plan and it unfolded as scripted. None of it is real. Her relationship with Kris, her tears, the editing, its all just part of a plan.
This bitch is fraud!!!
*hat tip to Emily*
Thank you, my dear. You cheered me up twice today!
I chuckled at this picture this morning before work and forgot all about it during the day.
Then, I come back and see it again in the evening and it was just as funny as the first time. In fact, I think I’ll just throw it in my screen saver folder so I can see it at random times for a few weeks.
Sadly, we (me and the knuckle dragging Ardipithecus Kadabba I work with. I know, they’ve been extinct for quite some time but apparently they found throwbacks or something.) had a talk about the Karkrapians. Apparently, I am alone in my revulsion and “kim gotta nice dumper on her”. *sigh* But these people also think the Hilton spawn is “hawt”, so …
But I look at the pictures and am cheered up again.