Sinead O’Connor has Jesus on her chest. [The Superficial]
Blake Lively suctioning onto Ryan Reynolds. [Cele|bitchy]
Courtney Cox in a skin-tight wetsuit. [Starpulse]
Justin Bieber‘s moronic car. [Socialite Life]
Usher attacked by screaming woman. [TMZ]
Joan Rivers dresses up as Suri Cruise. [Bossip]
Isla Fisher on the set of The Great Gatsby. [Caught on Set]
Topless Friday. [theBERRY]
The Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol trailer has arrived. [The Blemish]
The Top 10 Actress Centerfolds in Playboy. [Popbytes]
Gay dance music alert. [OMGBlog]
Jessica‘s way, way pregnant. [INFDaily]
Kate‘s a Stage 5 Clinger. [Lainey Gossip]
James Franco doesn’t care if you hate him. [Huff Po]
The funniest Melissa McCarthy photos EVER. [The Frisky]
Wow, they actually hold hands? [Lainey Gossip]