Ah, class picture day: unless Mom was willing to spring for a laser portrait, what was the point, anyway?
So I assume FOX’s promotional pics are supposed to (somewhat) resemble genuine class photos. But the cast of Glee isn’t exactly awkward, so—unfortunately?—these promo shots for Season 3 aren’t quite the humiliating minefield/treasure chest your senior yearbook is.
In the interest of comparison, I have included one photograph of me and my 17-year-old self’s untweezed eyebrows in the gallery. Ha! Now that’s what an embarrassing yearbook photo is supposed to look like, FOX.
Image Gallery via Cinemablend
impossibo oh
Very pretty Jenn! You’re eyebrows are just fine.
I got smart and cleaned them up the summer before college. Never again, face! Never again.
YOUR, goddammit! YOUR eyebrows are just fine.