So, to recap, Anna Paquin plays a teenager (which is so crazy; this woman is going to be thirty and she still shows no signs of aging) who accidentally helps cause a bus accident that kills a pedestrian. Mark Ruffalo is the equally-young-looking bus driver who has a family to support, Matt Damon (who looks about twelve in this flick – when the hell was this actually filmed, 1999?) is a teacher who hooks up with Anna’s character, and Ferris Bueller makes a cameo appearance where he reads poetry a la ‘Margaret.’
If you can get past the inappropriate-because-a-woman-is-dead coming-of-age music halfway through the trailer and put yourself in the place of the characters instead of watching it through a third party’s eyes, this movie could be really interesting. Not, you know, interesting enough to see in a theater, but interesting enough to stick in your Netflix queue after you’ve had two glasses of wine and you’re through watching the second season of Dexter or whatever.
they look so young because it was filmed about 6 years ago, but it’s just coming out now because of some legal issues. :)
I saw Sam and Tommy’s mom! LOL