Milla Jovovich – still looking hot in a bikini. [The Superficial]
Joe Francis surrenders to LAPD. [TMZ]
This is one curvy-ass Megan Fox. [Starpulse]
Eminem and Rihanna spotted out together. [Lainey Gossip]
Pride & Prejudice zombies have arrived. [LA Times]
Lindsay was reportedly wasted at Kardashian’s wedding. [Yeeeah]
Lindsay also has positively no range when it comes to expressions. [theBERRY]
The most unbelievable Kardashian video ever. [Socialite Life]
I told you January Jones was a twatty bitch. [Cele|bitchy]
Megan Fox is getting rid of her biggest tattoo. [Amy Grindhouse]
The boys of the newest male stripper film. [Pajiba]
Model aged 120 years via Photoshop. [The Frisky]