Kendra talks about queueing up to ride Hef’s penis. Literally. [The Superficial]
Rihanna baring her nipples and ass for some dude in Barbados. [Bossip]
Adam Lambert talks about growing up gay. [Starpulse]
Meatloaf “did not pass out.” [TMZ]
Gwyneth Paltrow says she’s never smug or prim. [Amy Grindhouse]
Jennifer Lopez gets wet and hot for new movie. [Socialite Life]
Pippa Middleton is “royal mocha”? [The Frisky]
Will and Jada Smith‘s unbelievable house. [theBerry]
Vanessa Williams looking hot on the set of Desperate Housewives. [Caught on Set]
The raciest promo ad in the history of CBS. [Pajiba]
Jennifer Lopez wants full custody of her children. [Cele|bitchy]
Britney rides Jason for the world to see. [Rumor Fix]
Jason Bateman says his latest movie is “garbage.” [Huff Po]
Mariah Carey debuts her post-baby body. [I’m Not Obsessed]