Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Love It or Leave It: Lady Gaga Looks Sensible?

A photo of Lady Gaga I know, I know, what a crazy notion, that Lady Gaga actually has some some sort of sense. But with this outfit I think that she might. I think the shoes actually look a little all right, you know, like they don't have penises on them and they don't look like they might kill her at any given moment like her shoes usually do. And, uh, the dress isn't made of flesh? I don't know, have I said enough positive things yet? I think I have, so it's time to get real. Because I know that I'm sensitive about David Bowie, I'm well aw...

Let’s Take A Moment to Learn More About The Beautiful Emma Stone!

A photo of Emma Stone Here's how my day starts: I wake up, I snuggle with my boyfriend until I'm on the brink of peeing my pants, I go to the bathroom, I check on the dogs, I check my email, and then I check up on good ol' Evil Beet. Today, I got through all those steps admirably, and then once I got to the last one, I noticed that, in the morning links, there was a link titled "10 things you may not know about Emma Stone." Talk about starting a day off right. Just in case you don't check out the links as much...

We Have Photos of The Rise of the Planet of the Apes

photo of tom felton and rupert grint at the rise of the planet of the apes pics Don't let the title mislead you: I'm not a fan of the original movies. Really, the only reason I'm putting these here photos up onto the site is because there were a lot of fun people in attendance, like Rupert Grint, Tom Felton ... and Rupert Grint. There were a few others there, too, but none more important than those of the Harry Potter franchise. Ooh, wait - John Lithgow was there, too and I just adore me some John Lithgow. Can anyone else look at him without thinking about the gre...

Selena Gomez’s Stage Costumes are SIZZLIN’

photo of hot selena gomez pictures photos concert costumes pics Yup, so this is what the Selena Gomez who is totally not sleeping with the underage Justin Bieber is wearing for her latest concert. Last night, Selena kicked off her US tour in Boca Raton, Florida, and debuted some skimpy, heading for Rihanna territory-type costumery (please and thank you). Also. I need you guys to be totally candid with me: is this girl even really all that talented, or do people just go see her because she's Justin Bieber's girlfriend? And if the latter is the case, what...

Let’s Take a Look at Britney Spears’ Latest Sad Eyes, Huh?

photo of britney spears crazy eyes pictures photos tour costumes pics This is a photo from one of Britney latest tour stops, and from the bridge of the nose down, she looks good. Really good. But then you let your gaze wander up, and it all kind of goes to hell from there. I'm sad for Britney - I really and truly am. I know she's doing what makes her happy, but it's apparently not enough. I wish we could go back in time and figure out where everything went so wrong, and just ...I don't know. Either make sure it happens all over again or try to avoid it at all costs. I'm feeling a little under the weather today, so I'm not really sure what end of the spectrum my mood on this is falling right now...

Morning Wood

photo of hot black and white emma stone pictures photos pics Enrique Iglesias has the smallest penis in the world. [The Superficial] Hot photos of Neville Longbottom through the years. [Lainey Gossip] 10 things you may not know about Emma Stone. [Celebuzz] Nia Long's got some mad nice boobs. [Bossip] Jennifer Lopez hooking back up with Diddy? [Starpulse] Did Brad Pitt bully Jonah Hill into losing all that weight? [Cele|bitchy] The Avengers teaser trailer. [Huff Po] Flowchart: What hobby should I pick up? [The Frisky] More photo...

Ryan Gosling Claims He Was Kicked Off the Mickey Mouse Club For Not Being Able to Sing or Dance

However? This video tells an entirely different story, and it's an ADORABLE ONE, guys. One that mustn't stay buried in the depths of YouTube any longer; one that needs to see the light of day so that we have even more fodder (even if it is in the form of cheesy 90's garb) to fuel the fire of love for Ryan Gosling. (Sorry, I know - bad.) Ryan's vocal debut comes in around the 1:30 mark. And in all honesty, this might be one of the most darling things I've ever seen. SEE WHAT YOU LOST OUT ON MICKEY MOUSE? Stupid effing ... MOUSE. /> However? This video tells an entirely different story, and it's an ADORABLE ONE, guys. One that mustn't stay buried in the depths of YouTube any longer; one that needs to see the light of day so that we have even more fodder (even if it is in the form of cheesy 90's garb) to fuel the fire of love for Ryan Gosling. (Sorry, I know - bad.) Ryan's vocal debut comes in around the 1:30 mark. And in all honesty, this might be one of the most darling things I've ever seen. SEE WHAT YOU LOST OUT ON...

Did Amy Winehouse Die from Alcohol Withdrawal?

Amy Winehouse in 2007, by photographer Terry RichardsonImage by Terry Richardson Amy Winehouse's family now claims that she died of the "shock" of alcohol withdrawal. Her family maintains she quit drinking "cold turkey" in the month following her humiliating final performance in Belgrade. Hollywood Life spoke with three experts---Dr. Ronald Minutoli and Dr. Andrew Rosenbaum of New York, along with addiction specialist Marty Brenner of California---to glean a better understanding of the detox process: In the U.S. 50 to 60 percent of alcoholics will develo...

How Do You Think The Red Hot Chili Peppers Feel About Justin Bieber?

Ok, just to be totally honest from the get-go here, I'm really just talking about Anthony Kiedis here, the frontman of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I have no idea how the rest of the band feels about Justin Bieber. I hope you can live with that lack of knowledge, and I hope you can forgive me for leading you somewhat astray in that headline. Anyway, here's how Anthony Kiedis feels about the lovely Biebz: “I sat on an airplane recently, coming from Hawaii to Los Angeles, with [producer] ...

Blind Item: Which Former SNL Cast Member Flashes His Junk in Gyms?

I feel a little confident with this blind item, you guys. I know, usually I'm real bad at these, but this one is about Saturday Night Live, and I know me some Saturday Night Live. Ready? Here's our item: Which closeted former “SNL” star is getting a bad reputation at spas and gyms around Hollywood for his illegal sexual activities? The once-married actor has been caught pleasuring himself in front of other male patrons, and it’s just a matter of time before he’s publicly exposed! ...

I Can’t Tell You How Much I Love Twihards

Remember this morning when Sarah showed you guys the honeymoon scene from Breaking Dawn? Remember how you probably laughed at the antics and bad acting of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart? Well, this girl saw the same exact video. And, well, she reacted a bit differently. It's all for the lolz, you guys. You should know that by now. /> Remember this morning when Sarah showed you guys the honeymoon scene from Breaking Dawn? Remember how you probably laughed at the antics and bad acting of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart? Well, this girl saw the same exact video. And, well, she reacted a bit differently. It's all for the lolz, you guys. You should know that by now....
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