Today's Evil Beet Gossip

I Don’t Know What Dina Lohan Is Doing, But She Looks Fantastic

A photo of Dina Lohan This is Dina Lohan. She gave birth to our number one girl, Lindsay, and also a couple of other less important Lohans. She's 48 years old. And she looks loads better than her most famous child. From what I can tell, these pictures are from this medieval-themed party in the Hamptons. Dina's the producer of some new show on Bravo, and apparently she co-hosted this party? I don't know, the details are a little muddled to me, but I don't think it matters since there's a sex dungeon involved: Dina Lohan ...

Check Out Rebecca Black’s New Music Video!

For the past few weeks, I've noticed this distinct sense of longing, not only here at Evil Beet but also out in the world. It just seems like something's missing in everyone's lives, and I think I just figured out what it is. We've all just been missing the magic of Rebecca Black! And I'm so sorry for that heartache, believe me, but it's all in the past now. We don't have to hurt anymore. It's our time now. This is the music video for Rebecca's new single, "My Moment." Hey, at least this one doesn't make me want to rip my eyes out of my head and vomit on them and then shove them in my ears so I get some sort of infection that would end my unbearable anguish and leave me with some goddamn peace like her other music. And really, what else could I ask for? /> For the past few weeks, I've noticed this distinct sense of longing, not only here at Evil Beet but also out in the world. It just seems like something's missing in everyone's lives, and I think I just figured out what it is. We've all just been missing the magic of Rebecca Black! And I'm so sorry for that heartache, believe me, but it's all in the past now. We don't have to hurt anymore. It's our time now. This is the music video for Rebecca's new single, "My Moment." Hey, at least t...

Does Dexter Find Jesus Next Season?

I sure hope so, because how adorable would it be for little Michael C. Hall to embrace the Lord? He could go to church with Angel and read the Bible to little Harrison. Or, you know, not. He could burn churches and live in filthy sin too, I don't really care. Basically I'm just unbearably excited about the sixth season of Dexter and all the magic and drama that it will surely hold. How delightful is this upcoming season going to be?...

Quotables: Lady Gaga IS Theatre

A photo of Lady Gaga "Art is a lie. And every day I kill to make it true. It is my destiny to exist halfway between reality and fantasy at all times. They call me “theatrical,” but I posit profusely that I am theatre, and that theatre is me. I am a show with no intermission. It is this thing that summons me from the depths of reality and reminds me that the power of transformation is endless. That I (we) possess something magical and transformative inside?—??a uniqueness and specialness waiting to be exiled ...

Justin and Selena Crashed A Wedding

A photo of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez How would you feel if Justin Bieber crashed your wedding? I mean, I think Selena would be fine, it'd just be like, "hey, someone brought their adorable preteen daughter, that's cool," but if The Biebz himself dropped by with all his swagger, just shaking his glorious hair and raising the douchiness in the atmosphere, it might be a little too much. Here's what happened: According to our sources at Rob and Jeanine McCool's wedding ... Bieber and Gomez were strolling on the beach when they...

This Week’s Project: Learn to Speak As Good As Kristen Stewart!

Ok, I'm not going to pretend like I'm not absolutely devastated over Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I've been a little like a zombie all weekend, wandering around aimlessly, trying to find the will to live again. I thought I'd finally grasped onto happiness again a few times, like when my boyfriend gave me a bunch of sweet Disney records or when my BFF and I made cupcakes with Rolos baked into them, but no, I was just fooling myself. In lieu of me being my usual charmingly exuberant self, I'm going to kick off my shift over here with a giggle and a challenge: we're going to...

Afternoon Delight

photo of jenni j woww farley pictures The best celebrity Las Vegas weddings of all time! [Celebuzz] What the hell is going on with Katie Holmes' stomach? [The Superficial] San Francisco cops kill nineteen-year-old black man for not paying bus fare? Hardly. [Bossip] I cannot believe they're remaking Evil Dead. [Starpulse] Did Kim Kardashian get more face surgery? [Celebuzz] Photos: J Woww gets it on with a chick. [Socialite Life] Weston Cage wants to cage fight now. [TMZ] What's your sex horoscope today? [The Frisk...

On Nicki Minaj’s Reluctance to Embrace Her “Real Age”

Nicki Minaj with Lil' Wayne in concert, Oakland, April 24, 2011 A week ago, Nicki Minaj was involved in an altercation in a Dallas hotel. According to an incident report, the argument escalated in Minaj's hotel room; when her companion tried to leave, he pushed Minaj away by, um, physically shoving his suitcase into her face. (She suffered a fat lip, CNN said.) Granted, the Dallas police made a few errors in their report---they got the name of Minaj's assailant wrong, for one, and they can't even spell "Los Angeles"---but one deet is a bit more anomalous than all the rest. Ready for it? Nicki Minaj was bo...

Man, How Good Does Kate Hudson Look?

photo of kate hudson post baby pictures photos She just popped that baby out, what, two minutes ago? Jeez. Girlfriend must just be one of those lucky ladies that practically bounces right back to what they were even without the aid of diuretics, cigarettes, or post-natal plastic surgery. I know they're few and far between, but they apparently do exist. Either that, you know, or that patterned maxi dress is doing its THING. Regardless, looking good Kate! [gallery]...

Love It or Leave It: Gwen Stefani Goes Casual

photo of gwen stefani pictures photos pics casual I've given Gwen a lot of crap in the past about her style and how contrived I think her take on fashion is (there's nothing less fashionable than saying "Hey! I'm FASHIONABLE!"), but I actually really like this outfit, and I'm not being sarcastic. First, I saw the white shirt and said, "Hey, that looks like it's on backwards." But then I thought, "well actually, it's not that bad. I could get used to it." Then I scrolled down to see the pants and they reminded me of something my mother made me ...

B.D. Wong Is Leaving ‘SVU’

B.D. Wong in November 2010Oh, no! B.D. Wong confirmed via Twitter that he is leaving Law & Order: SVU for greener pastures. The Tony award-winning actor originated the role of forensic psychiatrist George Huang, who audiences could count on for reliable textbook explanations of weird mental illnesses. Is Special Victims Unit dunzo? With Stabler leaving, too, and Benson's contract expiring in 2012, who's left? Oh. Ice-T. In commemoration of 11 years of Dr. George Huang, here's a video of B.D. Wong singing a Tori Amos song. ...

Morning Wood

photo of jennifer lopez and marc anthony pictures photos Jennifer Lopez was the one to kick Marc Anthony to the curb, in case you weren't, you know, realistic enough to believe it. [The Superficial] Andrew Garfield was all over WHO? [Lainey Gossip] Beyonce's crotch shot. [Bossip] Nick Lachey married Vanessa Minnillo. [Starpulse] What Harry Potter cast member is the "coolest" person that the director's ever met? [LA Times] The hottest "wrinkled, old ladies." [Pajiba] Serena Williams amazing curves all on display. [INFDaily] Lindsay Lohan get anoth...
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