Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Diane Warren Writes A Song for Beyonce, Calls It Her Favorite

A photo of Beyonce You guys know Diane Warren - she's written some of the best pop songs ever - and you definitely know Beyonce.  In a most magical collaboration, Diane wrote a song that Beyonce recorded for her new album, and if Diane has anything to say about it, it's going to be one good ass song: “I just wrote something a week and a half ago that Beyoncé recorded and I think it’s the best thing I’ve ever written. She sang it amazingly. I think it’s a career song and probably my favorite thing I’...

Kelsey Grammer’s Insane Custody Request

Picture of Kelsey Grammer and his Son Mason with Ex-Wife Camille [PHOTOS] As we all know, Kelsey and Camille Grammer are dunzo, but what's going to happen to their two young children? If Kelsey has his way, it's going to be one of the most untraditional (in a totally bad way) custody agreements I've ever heard of. Camille said publicly that Kelsey seemed to be interested in splitting their two children up, with him taking their 6-year-old son to live in Chicago and leaving his 9-year-old daughter behind in California. While Kelsey initially denied that he ever said ...

Scarlett Johansson and Sean Penn: Stick a Fork in ‘Em, They’re DONE

photo of scarlett johansson and sean penn together dating break up pictures photos pics As quickly as it seems it started, Sean Penn and Scarlett Johansson's six-month-long romance is kaput. Though a rep officially confirms to People that the two have split, both Scarlett and Sean's reps have "declined to comment." However, I'm betting it had something to do with Sean's desperate need for children coupled with the fact that Scarlett is just so damned old and can't get pregnant anymore. ... Uh, wait ... Are you guys totally heartbroken, or did you see this coming? {democracy...

Morning Wood

photo of justin timberlake pictures photos hot pics naked tattoos The official Dragon Tattoo poster has arrived. [Lainey Gossip] Super hot, super tall women. [Bossip] Even more Blake Lively nudes? [Starpulse] Is Leo totally pissed about those nudes? [Cele|bitchy] Ryan Gosling pulls out. [Huffington Post] Sharks LOVE AC/DC. [The Frisky] Movie in development about Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton? [The Frisky] Hollywood's most random and unexpected couples of all time. [Celebuzz] The best Snooki's looked in years. [Yeeeah] Michae...

Praise Jesus, Amy Winehouse is CLEAN!

photo of amy winehouse pictures drunk boob breast implant photos pics After a record FOUR DAYS IN REHAB, I'm proud to tell you that Amy Winehouse is clean and off the sauce. So much so, that girlfriend checked her scrawny little ass out of rehab last night and decided to go home, where outpatient therapy has been decided as her lifeline to the sober life. Amy's rep told the Daily Mail: “She has completed her assessment at the Priory Clinic in London and will continue as an outpatient. [Amy] is now looking forward to playing shows around Europe this summer and is rari...

Tito Ortiz Hangs Out With His Wang Out

photo of tito ortiz naked pictures photos nude MMA So hey! This week must be the week for "unexpected" nude photo leaks, 'cause MMA fighter Tito Ortiz released one (OK, it was hacked) of him standing somewhere that looks like a spa, or a sauna room, with his LONG FLACCID PENIS hanging out. The best part of the pic? Boyfriend looks STOKED over it. The shit-eating grin just says it all. Says what, you ask? It positively screams, "Which way did he go, George, which way did he go?" "Man, if I could knock a bitch out with this gigantic crank durin...

Love It Or Leave It: Lauren Conrad Goes Dark for Lucky

photo of lauren conrad dark hair lucky magazine hot pictures photos fashion pics LC It's official, ladies and gentlemen: Lauren Conrad has made it to the big time. Why, you ask? Because I do reckon that this is the first time that I've personally written about her on Evil Beet. Does that mean I have a sense of over-inflated importance? Probably. But a lot of other people do, too, so I'm just going to run with that for today. It's Friday, after all. And we're talking about LAUREN CONRAD, anyway. Anyway, the annoying girl that did whatever on that annoying show, The Hills, ...

Pink Finally Gave Birth to That Baby

photo of pink pregnant fat huge monstrous pictures photos And not a moment too soon, dang. Have you seen recent photos of girlfriend? It looked like she was seriously about to bust at the seams. Or, because she's living, and not a manufactured doll, pop at the bellybutton. That sucker was starting to look like a cabin repress valve. Pink gave birth to her daughter (not a son, snap), Willow Sage Hart (which is ACTUALLY a really cute name if you think about it long enough), yesterday in Los Angeles. She and husband, Carey Hart, announced the birt...

Was Joe Jonas Too Fat to Play Spiderman?

This video of a Paramount exec calling up Joe Jonas to tell him that he didn't land the role of Spiderman due to his set of particularly thick thighs has been floating around the 'nets today, and while I don't think it's real (just a very good impression), I can't help but laugh knowing that this is exactly how such matters are handled in this town. Well, it's actually not exactly how they'd be handled. Normally a call like this would go to a manager and then the manager would have to break the news to their client that they're a little too bottom he...

Katy Perry Has Figured Out Another Way to Ruin Our Lives

Photo of Katy Perry and Her High Ponytail So apparently Katy Perry wants to get into acting and is being considered for a role in her hubby's newest flick where she'd be playing-- wait for it-- his wife. Wowza, Katy. Way to stretch yourself for your first role. Some actresses would have made the "mistake" of playing a character with depth, one that totally pulls them away from their public image, but you, girl... You're just different. Her acting is going to be a shitshow. I've been saying for years that her overly dramatic facia...

Is Violet Affleck My Spirit Animal?

Photo of Violet Affleck at the Librabry With Her Mom So I'm pretty obsessed with these photos of Violet Affleck leaving the Santa Monica library with her famous mom yesterday because this little gremlin reminds me of someone very special: Me. The glasses, the whole "sticking library books in her mouth" thing, the spastic arm and leg movements mid-walk. Yeah, all of that looks very familiar to this lady over here and honestly, God bless her. She's probably going to grow up to be a wonderful woman. But all of that self-centered shit aside, doesn't she remind you of one of Amy Poehler's best SNL ch...

Robyn Suggests You ‘Call Your Girlfriend’

Robyn's newly released video for "Call Your Girlfriend" is, like all of her music videos, pretty awesome. When this chick makes music videos, she doesn't attempt to overcompensate by using wild hair and make up and crazy locations to try and distract from the music. She seems to do the old school thing and just make something simple that's entertaining to watch. For "Call Your Girlfriend" Robyn played with the alternating lighting around her and simply danced her ass off. Pretty similar to what she did in the "Hang With Me" video, which looked like f...
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