According to the National Enquirer:
“Owen wanted the freedom to do what he wanted with his friends, both male and female, while remaining a family unit with Jade and the baby,’ an insider told the National Enquirer. ‘But Jade wasn’t willing to go along with that, so Owen decided to end things with her instead of cheating behind her back.”
Of all the sleazy, disgusting things I’ve heard: Owen Wilson doesn’t want to get married because he wants the freedom to be able to sleep with other women. I mean, hey. That’s cool, Owen. I’m sure there’s a ton of women out there willing to take on your myriad emotional issues and substance abuse problems, so have at it. All you need to do is alienate the woman who took a chance on your ass and had a child with you and there you have it: pure Wedding Crashers-esque gold. Just … not as funny or entertaining.
Of course, as the sourced information is out of the Enquirer, it might be a stretch, but I can totally see it happening. A lot of people tend to forget where they came from and I definitely can see Owen Wilson getting up on his haughty horse to be one of them, don’t you?
Yeah – emotional issues and substance abuse problems – a real find. I would end up with substance abuse problems if I had to date this winner. Not only does he have these issues but have you LOOKED at him?? His face looks like it hit a brick wall. His nose looks like a train derailment. GOOD thing he has money…
At least he was man enough to be honest and upfront about it and end the relationship. Most men would have just cheated.
She should count herself lucky.
I totally agree…he’s just saying he wants to be happy. No one knows what goes on behind the scenes, and people dont realize how difficult things get when that piece of paper gets involved.
I just keep thinking back to The Wedding Crashers that I watched on TNT the other week and how his face is in that permanent lemon pucker that Ben Stiller was sporting in Zoolander. And how much I wanted to smack it right off his face.
JustSaying – You are ASBOLUTELY right. When you look at it that way, good for him. Most men would probably just cheat.
O-kay — Except for that fact that he HAS been cheating the entire time – during her pregnancy, right after the baby was born and ever since. This story is just his “out” to make him look like a relatively good guy. “Oh, no – I would never cheat.” Please. I bet the REAL reason was that he kept bringing home STD’s. Either that, or he’s back on drugs.
I dated Jade for 3 years. She is immature and not right in the head (which is why she got pregnant with the dude after flying around with him and cheating on her live in bf). It’s called karma.
did you really date her?
looks aren’t everything. sometimes people have other qualities which make them attractive.
Why should he be criticized because he doesn’t want to get married? He’s being honest, and we don’t know how to handle honesty. He knows that he can’t be monogamous, and doesn’t want to tread the tired road of “trying” for the sake of all those who think they know what he should do.
I am absolutely right there with you, CB. This girl is absolutely nucking futs, and it’s her family that’s been planting stories in the tabloids and arranging photo opportunities for her. A bunch of Owen’s fans found her facebook last March and April, she was betraying Owen giving out all sorts of personal information and posting their Blackberry conversations on her public facebook. There’s still people out there who think the kid might be Jason Hawryschuk’s kid. Either way she obviously tried to take Owen for a ride. I also heard she keyed an ex’s car and trashed his house, classic borderline personality disorder behavior on her part – my condolences if that ex was you. Glad you got out when you did.
No one has mentioned a piece in national enqirer uk print edition
march14th, wedding plans have taken a back seat ,over as they will be living together in the future. So this is not new.
stories and warnings , are sadly coming to be true it seems
this quiet small town girl is turning out to be a bigger nighmare then KH ever was. and could get out of hand,given her vendictive temper she wasnt going to be cast away like a used kleenex CB I hope you find a nice girl after your lucky escape. AND yes I do think kid is jasons. feel she has something
on ow.
correction on above post should read wedding plans take back
seat as to wether they will be living together in the future.
Am i the only one who thought he looked unhappy and detached in all but one of baby beach pics. ok stoned.come on they were taken way april 18 I bet
It’s my understanding that jades and Jasons
Relationship ended due to Jason being unfaithful
With a flight attendant not because of jade.
They had ended things way before she meet Owen
They lived together until she found out he had been cheating on her. Then moved out on her own and believe me they were not on speaking terms so I am almost 100% sure It’s not his.
I feel bad everyone is making her out to be this awful person
When not everyone has all the facts All they know is the gossip they read.
This might be an example: “When Jade started dating the 42-year-old actor and posting about it on facebook, a coworker saw it and told Jason Hawryschuk, her fellow air marshal boyfriend at the time. “He confronted Jade about it, and she admitted that she had been seeing Owen behind his back,” says the insider. Jade then became so enraged that she trashed his house and keyed his Mercedes-Benz,” claims the insider. And before him, there was Chris Boyce, a 30-year-old Virginia police officer Jade had dated from 2004 to 2007. “They started drifting apart, and Chris started thinking something fishy was going on,” says the insider, noting that together the couple bought a house and two dogs – a Siberian husky and Rottweiler mix. “All of a sudden Jade tells him that she wants to move out! Within a few weeks, she had a new boyfriend, and Chris got stuck with the bills.”
Again most of that came from star magazine
She meet him on a flight Owen asked her out they exchanged
Emails she went to meet him on the set of a movie
He filmed in DC they were not dating at that time
Yes it did get back to Jason they broke up not just because of Owen but because there relationship headed down that path anyway but were still rooming together for a couple months as far as jade getting enraged it was due to the fact that she found out Jason had been cheating on her a whole year. None of this is really for me to post but everyone is making speculations as to what went down so you really can’t believe what you read it’s not 100% true
It’s very decent of you to help and say nice things, but please do be careful because you kind of admitted that she did some of the worst things that were mentioned. To many people, it would still be wrong to destroy property, even if someone found out their partner was cheating. It’s hypocritical to do that kind of thing after sleeping with Owen and cheating herself – I would assume when she went to meet Owen in DC, even if they were not yet “dating”, they slept together and so it was indeed cheating on Jason – this whole story doesn’t make either Jade or Jason look very good at all.
Looking at the situation as a whole, I get why you want to try and help her, but I really don’t think it’s working when you try to help. The best thing to do would be to not say anything and let the story die – and not have any more stories in the tabloids. If you give it time I am sure it will get better, and you will feel better. I wish all involved the best.
Nothing you say about this totally unproessional person changes the
fact that she allowed herself to become pregnant by a man whose mental instabilty is well documented,with risk of child inheriting same.
Nobody at any point has mentioned love anywhere ever this was a jump off that got a little out of control.Had it been anything more she would have surly shown more consideration of his mental health issues and not as another of her friends is quoted her as saying, she was a strong proessioal woman who woulnt put up with bullshit. If as a
great many people susect she and her family are after a house in the
Hamptons Im afraid they will be out of luck, ow just dosnt have enough money for that. particurly as she appears to be outing him.
No one knows what goes on behind closed doors ,many doubt she ever in fact lived with him for more than a few short spells and then
most likly not alone . the public arnt that supid but the press she has
generated all over time seems to be coming true.Wilsons pr have not been above using this baby as a positive publicity tool so knowone
comes out of this with a halo. Just as you are sayingnot to believe press, maybe you should not believe what you are told. As this story unfolds over the coming months as Im sure it will, I along with many
others await the big revelation via a good friend and one of you will
when the big doller man comes a knocking.What one is promised by a man to get into your pants is all to often not what you get.
I should just like to add that Star and National Enquirer are owened by the same publishing co. It has long been known within industry that ow while for high profile outings appeared to like the holywood blonde, below radar he much prefered ethnic minority woman. Maybe
he thought they were easier to flick of . How wrong he was!. Back in 2006 I came across an article said to have been taken from a conversation with a friend Iwas at the time very surprised that such a thing would turn up until very recently it was called to mind by the phone hacking scandal currantly being played out.Amougst people who have had their calls hacked is none other than Steve Coogan
Wilsons a friend ,it all sudenly became more posible. All I wil say about the article is that it was certainly not complementory about KH
whom he was suposed to madly love at time and showed a disrespect
of women in genera. See also mip marion dreaming pics,maybe all to late duell realised what she had let her self in for, they do say a picture is worth a 1000 words, if these are anything to go by he wasnt that into her by july10.
well i think hes absolutly georgeous i would love to date owen..hes funny, sexy and at the end of the day hes just a human being like all of us..give the guy a break all of you..just cus he has money hes no different than any of us we all have our hangups..if he wants to get around then thats up to him and any other individual..i would love to date him or even a one night stand and he would definalty come back for more :-) i think ure great owen xx
I dated Jason for a long time and is he a cheater. He cheated on me for years until I found out. That is the way he is. I can see how the story was turned on Jade. I don’t pity her at all because if there are questions as to who’s baby it is…then that is horrible.
1000000% sure Jason was cheating on her the whole relationship. He has many woman in every state and many countries.