Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Some Guy Does to Justin Bieber What I’ve Only Dreamed Of

photo of justin bieber jumped pictures photos macy's perfume someday pics

Apparently Justin Bieber‘s new perfume, Someday, is filling its intended purpose: driving men around the world wild.

Bieber was at Macy’s in Manhattan yesterday promoting his latest, um, creative endeavor, and on his way out of the store, security somehow lapsed (no doubt driven to to the brink of sensual, lax insanity by the sweet effects of Justin’s mad perfumery skills), Justin took advantage of it and went to a non-secure area, and a non-Justin Bieber fan launched himself over a concrete barrier and tackled Justin. LOL! Could you imagine? Seeing little, scrawny Justin Bieber knocked down by a grown-ass man?

What REALLY happened, though, was that the “man” was a plainclothes police officer who was trying to protect Justin when he saw that the stupid little bitch was about to be swarmed by 500 people because he’s Justin Bieber and Justin Bieber doesn’t have to follow rules, even those put in place for his own safety.

The cop jumped Justin to protect him, and when a store security guard tried to intervene (despite the police officer’s assertations that he was, indeed, a long arm of the law), the security guard was restrained and taken into custody.

Way to ruin a guy’s day, Justin.

24 CommentsLeave a comment

  • thts what u get little bitch for being a faggot ass singer stay in canda eh do a favor for all go fuck ur self faggot ass justin

  • Why do you have to be such assholes? AS IF you didn’t do things when you were 17 that you weren’t supposed to do and weren’t ‘safe’

  • ur right he is an asshole a lucky asshole cause he is goin out whith selena gomez if they kiss that way like in hawaii :bieber holds selenas ass what i always wanted to do welli f they kiss like that like in 2 weeks they will be fucking and he will do a come shot on selenas face and all over her beautiful body and her nice ass well bieber u r a real luck>Y ASS HOLE AND A PICE OF SHIT AND U R A BITCH JUST LIKE UR MUSIK


  • Wat a fucking dumb whore selena is i really hope no one knows i put a hit out on her she will die on the 4th of july. Syke just kidding but i still hate her thow she stole my man i was goin to fuck the life out of him do a deep throt on his big dick and on chris breezys too.

  • i do agree jb is a really gay bitchy asshole who is only going out with selena gomez cause he can not keep any gay boy that he has ever fucked at all.

  • i like jb but he should do something better wif his songs koz they are relly not cool…

  • and i think selena is too pritty for u jb u and her dnt suit u should go 4 sum1 a bit younger… selena is jst too old for u.

  • Justin: i named it someday after my aspirations of going back to my days of being a lil girl!

  • people can have there own oppinions, if you wana be mean then be mean if you like him then what ever.

  • i fucking hate justin bieber he sing’s like a little girl and just saying selena gomez is too old for him if theyare going too still keep dateing we should stop listing to their music and they might stay they hate us and i fucking hate them a lot they suck

  • FUCK ALL U HATERS!!! Justin Bieber is a hell of a lot better then the ppl who wanna hate. So Go Suck A Dick and keep ur mouths SHUT!! Thats what I have to say about that, just because u don’t like him dosen’t mean that u got da right to say this shit. I’m 12 and I know that u haters just wanna be as sexy, talented, and popular as Justin is … SO HOP OFF MY DICK!!

  • Justin is soo hot and cool..
    But he changed too much 4 very short time..
    And im really sad about it..