Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Isn’t Garcelle Beauvais a Beautiful Woman?

photo of hot garcelle beauvais pictures photos hot

She really is. And after her fucked up husband decided to bone every trashy woman in the Chicago metro area, and after she endured a very public divorce, I think girlfriend deserves a little bit of happiness, don’t you?

Well she’s shooting for just that. With a pretty prolific actor who’s been in the news as of late, even if he hasn’t done any recent (good) movies. The dude in question is also new to the meat market, as he just recently broke up with his last girlfriend/fuck buddy.

Garcelle and the dude were photographed having dinner together, and later on leaving the restaurant as a “couple.”

Who do you think Garcelle‘s (allegedly) dating? Jump in to find out.

photo of hot sean penn pictures photos recent

Oh man. Can you imagine if this is true? Like, how BAD Scarlett Johansson‘s going to flip shit that she wasn’t good enough for SEAN PENN? And while I like Sean Penn, and can see a minor, minor attraction, how in hell is he getting all of these super hot women as of late? What’s with the Sean Penn revival, and where does Madonna fit into this?

Also, who’s hotter?
