Um, wait, hold up: WHO leaked the news of Arnold’s baby mama?! [The Superficial]
Leonardo DiCaprio laughs at you. [INFDaily]
PHOTOS: The Obamas visit the royals. [Bossip]
More inappropriate photos of Selena Gomez in a bikini. [Drunken Stepfather] *Site is NSFW
Did Prince William get hair plugs? [Socialite Life]
Brooke Shields does Harper’s Bazaar, looks … old. [Caught on Set]
You decide: are Lady Gaga’s tits disgusting? [Yeeeah]
Is Sean Penn already stepping out on Scarlett Johansson? [The Blemish]
Uh, put THIS cream canoe in your mouth why don’t you. [OMGBlog]
Schwarzenegger might be screwed on this divorce thing. [The Frisky]
Angelina Jolie and Kristen Stewart: new BFFs? [Cele|bitchy]
The Top 5 Southern rap albums. [LA Times]
Image courtesy of Egotastic
Lady Gaga’s tits are NATURAL. That’s what natural tits do.