Way to be ten years behind the time, Mobe. I know you’re perpetually stuck in, like, ’99 or something, but publicly outing Britney on her general off-balanceness is so last decade. On Britney, Moby says:
“Britney’s actually kind of like a broken-down shell of a human being, that’s what makes her so endearing and compelling. She was lovely, but really broken. Like, (A Streetcar Named Desire character) Blanche Dubois-style broken. Actually, the most entitled people I’ve met are indie rockers and indie actors, because they really believe their press.”
Now, Moby fans, before you go taking your horn-rimmed specs off because you KNOW that it’s not cool to fight when you’re wearing glasses, let it be said that I think Moby’s actually a cool dude, aside from his music – and the last part of that is only because it’s just not my thing. However, he does a lot of good, and we share most of the same spiritual views. But regardless, unless you’re a gossip blogger that happens to run across a slow news day and Britney’s your fallback snark girl, you shouldn’t be throwing her under the bus just because you’re trying to sell albums and it’ll get you press. ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU’VE ALREADY DONE IT ONCE, in practically all the same words.
This would be the appropriate place to say, ‘Ugh, Moby – get some new material.’ And praise the cosmos, he HAS. His next album (which hits stores next week) is supposed to be more acoustic than anything, so you better start picking up the pot again and laying off the rolling for a little while at the very least.
Do be sure to let me know how it is.
I can’t help but LOL at the last comment implying that so far he has not composed anything in the vein of ambient/acoustic, therefore making necessary said ‘laying off the rolling for a little while’. Someone needs to at least wiki. Then again, this is excusable since the explanation between parentheses of the Blanche Dubois reference was absolutely necessary for the Britney/Eminem readership.