Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Can Somebody Please Tell Jessica Simpson That an XXL Men’s Sweater Doesn’t Constitute Not Having to Wear Pants?

[Image removed on request]

I was going to make some kind of lame joke about how it’s apparent who wears the pants in Jessica Simpson’s relationship, but we all know it’s the dude who weaseled his way into her heart nary a prenup in sight, so why bother? It’s still apparently all the rage to Jessica Simpson to not wear pants, and I guess we’re just going to have to get used to it.

The Jessica who’s weight and body shape yo-yos almost as much as Kirstie Alley‘s is looking extra fabulous as of late, and it’s probably got a lot to do with her upcoming wedding.  However? There are totally better ways to show your husband-to-be that you’ve still got it if he wants it than to show everyone else that you’ve got it, too.  YOU JUST KEEP YOUR PANTS ON, GIRL.


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  • I can’t figure out why I dislike her. Is it because she’s semi retarded or filthy rich?

  • For goodness sake, let the girl be comfy not wearing pants! For some of us, the thought of Jessica without pants is quite a good thing. Now, if we can just get her to lose the sweater!