Wowza! This is one I didn't see coming.
It was announced yesterday that Catherine Zeta-Jones has entered treatment for bipolar disorder. Apparently, after a year of dealing with her husband's failing health, the actress decided last week to take care of herself for a moment and address some on-going psychiatric problems. Her rep said, "Catherine made the decision to check in to a mental health facility for a brief stay to treat her Bipolar II disorder. She's feeling great and looking forward to starting work this week on her two upcoming films."
For those of you who are unfamilia...
This should be fun. I'm thinking, like, 'Yeasty, rank beaver.' Or maybe 'Your rotted bits.' 'Yuppie-rich bigot'? It's up in the air. I'm going to have to mull this one over for a little while. If you're feeling creative, figure it out and let me know, won't you?
Anyway, Paris Hilton was photographed for the cover of YRB, the same magazine that did the weird Khloe Kardashian fetish shoot that made me think of Jack Links beef jerky for some obscure reason, so I'm not going to really ask any ...
So that Gotti movie that John Travolta is in? Remember how Lindsay was possibly, maybe being considered for the role of Victoria Gotti? Well, even though nothing's official (read: so far from official that it's laughable that Lindsay was even AT this press conference), Lindsay showed up at the Gotti: Three Generations conference held yesterday looking ... alright, looking exactly the way you'd picture a young Victoria Gotti to look. You win.
Anyway, my first thought about this entire thi...
“Her life is pretty dull and she wants some excitement. She’s been married to Dewey for like 10 years. She’s been writing books. She’s completely tapped out and going through a major dry spell."
Courteney Cox, talking about her Scream 4 character, Gale Weathers. Is this art imitating life, or life imitating art?
As y'all know, Cox is in the middle of a separation with husband, David Arquette, who also stars in the upcoming Scream movie. Can you imagine how bad that's gotta suck? I mean...
Honestly speaking, Jennifer Love Hewitt's bottom half could begin resembling Jabba the Hutt's, and I still think she'd be totally smoking hot. I mean that. I'd hit it, and I'd hit it hard before I'd even considering hitting a LOT of female celebrities out there, and that says a lot.
All of the hubbub surrounding Jennifer Love Hewitt's weight fluctuations is just straight-up craziness. A hot woman is a hot woman no matter the size, am I right? So let's move on.
Moreover, what concern...
Bradley Cooper is the Crow. [The Superficial]
Does Gwyneth Paltrow actually have nasty skin? [Lainey Gossip]
Jennifer Lopez: is she really the most beautiful woman in the world? [Bossip]
Oh no ... Tom Cruise is making a movie about his stupidest character to date. (I know, it's hard to figure out which one, isn't it.) [ICYDK]
Does Lindsay Lohan have 'killer fashion sense'? [Betty Confidential]
According to Photoshop, January Jones is nineteen feet tall. [Amy Grindhouse]
So the Cruise family was doing their whole late-night New York City binge eating thing like they do best, and Suri was photographed being the paparazzi ham that she is. No other celebrity kid tackles that camera head-on and gives them the faces that they want, and frankly? I like that about her. I mean, even aside from the fact that she's just freaking adorable, she's got moxie and gut, and maybe if we're lucky, she'll put Big Man Tom in his place one day. I mean, SOME woman's gotta, and it's...
Everybody wants to know how this type of sex works. [The Superficial]
Will Kirsten Dunst's wedding set off the apocalypse? [Lainey Gossip]
Chris Brown has a new video out, surprisingly. [Bossip]
The grown-up, real-life Gotti boys are actually pretty hot now that they've dumped the shitty, cheap, Jersey Shore look. [TMZ]
Evan Rachel Wood had a 'bad breakup' with her mom at the age of eighteen. [The Blemish]
50 Cent causes a mob scene at a Scream 4 afterparty. [Right Celebrity TV]
What 'legendary starring role' is Bradley Cooper being considered for? (To be...