Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Marry, Kill, F*ck: The Evil Beet Sweetheart Edition

A photo of Lindsay Lohan You guys seemed to enjoy the last time we played "Marry, Kill, Fuck," so I decided it's high time for round two.  This time, the theme is "Evil Beet Sweethearts."  You know, there are a few certain ladies that we especially love around here, and those are the ladies I want to focus on.  Like if we were putting together an Evil Beet calendar, you'd definitely expect to see that hot ass picture above for August of whatever, wouldn't you?  Yeah, you keep that sexy image in mind while you che...

Did Anyone Want to Read Gwyneth Paltrow’s Cookbook?

Then I just saved you hours of tedium and nonsense by showing you this dramatic reading of Gwyneth's new cookbook, My Father's Daughter.  You can thank me with heartfelt tweets and emails. I knew I was going to show this to you guys since yesterday afternoon, because I love you and I want to share both laughter and tears with you.  The only thing was, I wasn't sure what to say.  I mean, I didn't want to simply trash talk Gwyneth, even though it's so easy. But then, last night, a beautiful miracle o...

Dog The Bounty Hunter Got Nicolas Cage Out of Jail

A photo of Duane "Dog the Bounty Hunter" Chapman Remember how Nicolas Cage got arrested yesterday? Well, lucky for him he's got friends in low places, because none other than his BFF Dog the Bounty Hunter posted Nic's $11,000 bond.  Hey, what are friends for?! Dog made a statement to E! about his good deed, natch: "Media from around the world have been requesting interviews with me today after reports surfaced about my posting a bond for actor Nicolas Cage in New Orleans," Chapman said in a statement to E! News. "I am a truly dedicat...

Did You Guys Hear That Paul McDonald from American Idol and Rosalie from Twilight Are Dating?

A photo of Paul McDonald and Nikki Reed I guess this story is aimed specifically for y'all teenyboppers. That's the only demographic that strongly cares about both American Idol and Twilight, right?  Well, you guys are welcome. So Paul McDonald?  Impossibly adorable.  He got eliminated this week, which was a tragic moment in my household, but it's ok, because he's got other things to do, like work on a new album and bang Nikki Reed, the lady who plays beautiful, bitchy Rosalie in the Twilight movies.  Here's Paul's characteristically charming statement about it: ...

Surprise! Religious People Are Mad at Lady Gaga Again!

Yeah, it's about that "Judas" business.  Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, heard that in the upcoming music video for "Judas," Lady Gaga will play Mary Magdalene, some dude will play Judas, and blasphemy will certainly ensue.  Check out some of his harsh words about Lady Gaga: "This is a stunt,” he says. “People have real talent, and then there is Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga tries to continue to shock Catholics and Christians in general: she dresses as a nun, ...

Aww, Look Who Got Her Own Billboard!

A photo of Rebecca Black and her billboard It doesn't look like Rebecca Black is going away anytime soon. She's making an album with a guy from Tears for Fears, and they're doing "Friday" on Glee. And, of course, she's got that sweet billboard outside a Subway in L.A. I'm so sorry, everyone.  It looks we have a real epidemic on our hands.  May God have mercy on our souls....

Nicolas Cage Got Arrested Last Night

A photo of Nicolas Cage's mugshot And that's his mugshot, courtesy of TMZ.  Isn't it darling? Ok, picture this:  New Orleans, late last night.  Nicolas is wasted.  When he and his wife began to make their way back to the apartment they're renting, they had a little disagreement over where the apartment was.  Nic thought that a good way to stop the argument was to grab his wife's arm and drag her to where he thought the apartment was located, and down in New Orleans, they call that "domestic abuse."  He also screamed...

Check Out What Russell Brand Has to Say About Having Kids

A photo of Russell Brand and Katy Perry Man, Russell Brand sure is in love with that Katy Perry, huh? You can tell because he never talks about anything else.  Well, in this little interview, he manages to stop with all his love claptrap and focus in on Katy's uterus, or more specifically, the poor handful of humans who will soon be expelled from Katy's uterus: “I love children. I am very much looking forward to becoming a dad. Who knows when? Soon I hope. I really love children. I think when I’m among children is when I feel most liberated." "I go nuts w...

How Do We Feel About Lady Gaga’s Album Cover?

A photo of Lady Gaga's album cover I feel like we've been talking about Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" for several years.  Like it seems that Gaga's been building up this hype for her new album since I was in middle school, and now, the moment is nigh.  The album itself won't be released until May, but late last night, the Lady decided to give all her Twitter followers a little gift:  the album cover for Born This Way. Can I be the first to say "what the fuck is this?"  See, I thought that when Lady Gaga said that she was bor...

Zsa Zsa Gabor Might Be A Mom Soon!

A photo of Zsa Zsa Gabor Yeah, that Zsa Zsa. The 94-year-old one who's been ill for forever and who's convinced that she's knockin' on heaven's door.  But hey, you know what would help with all those woes? A little bitty baby! You might be wondering how any of this is possible, and let me relieve your curiosity by explaining that it's possible because Zsa Zsa has a man of questionable character and mental stability for a husband.  Her fella, Prince Frederic von Anhalt, is a respectable 67-year-old man who is currently in the process of doing blood work and looking for donors ...

Quotables: Aww, America, You Hurt Miley’s Feelings

A photo of Miley Cyrus "I just think right now America has gotten to a place where I don't know if they want me to tour or not. Right now I just want to go to the places where I am getting the most love and Australia and South America have done that for me. Kind of going to the places where I get the most love. Don't want to go anywhere where I don't feel completely comfortable with it." - Poor Miley Cyrus explains why she hates America. I know that "Miley Cyrus hates America" is a stretch of a statement, but ...

Amanda Seyfried “Loves A Good Taxidermy”

A photo of Amanda Seyfried Amanda Seyfried, guys. I used to think she was pretty ok, you know, but I'm having some doubts now.  Mostly because she has a dead baby horse in her home that she calls art: "I got another animal," Seyfried tells the U.K. Press Association. "I'm going to share -- I bought a three week old just this week, well it was three weeks old when it died, (it's a) miniature horse." Umm, why? "I love good taxidermy, it's like art," Seyfried added in London's Daily Express. "A lot of people think it's weird but I don't know why." I'd wager that a l...
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