Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Quotables: Charlie Sheen Turns His Kids Over to Police

photo of brooke mueller charlie sheen pictures "I will cut your head off, put it in a box and send it to your mom." So that, up there? Is why Charlie Sheen no longer has custody of his children, even though he's going to fight to win them back.  Because, you know, it's totally normal and not-at-all-insane to threaten your ex-wife, the mother of -some- of your children, with a decapitation. The kids were removed late last night after courts were informed of a threat against Brooke Mueller, and a restraining order remains in effect ...

Chris Brown Probably Leaked His Own Abuse Photo

photo of chris browns injuries pictures abuse Remember way back when Chris Brown brutalized Rihanna in his car after some awards ceremony, resulting in an awful, nightmarish fugue of anger and publicity that lasted for, like, three months? And remember how someone from inside the police force or hospital leaked the abuse photos of Rihanna, and after all that, Chris became kind of a joke in the music industry, not to mention, oh, COMPLETELY SUCKING AT LIFE? Well everyone still remembers, and because new photos of Rihanna from that night ...

Ke$ha Jumped Out of a Plane, Totally Survived

I know, I know. This is nowhere near as exciting as nude photos. Ke$ha decided to spend her day off from her Australian tour skydiving and after watching the video of her jump, I have a few thoughts: 1) She's much prettier than we've given her credit for. I see no resemblance to John Travolta in this video. 2) Red lipstick and green eye make up for skydiving? Seems a little dramatic but okay... 3) I don't think I could go through with jumping out of a plane. Pretty entertaining video, though....

Pink Calls Out Britney and Christina, Has a Pretty Good Point

In light of this morning's news that Christina Aguilera was arrested for being too drunk to function, singer Pink took to her Twitter account and typed out the following message: "Out of Myself, Britney, and Christina- didn't everyone think I was gonna be the troublemaker? LOOK MA!!! No CUFFS!!!" Pink has a decent point: People have been giving her shit since day one. Granted, "troubled and erratic" has always been the image she's gone for, but she's definitely not sitting in a jail cell ...

Afternoon Delight [The PM Links]

sexy photos of kim kardashian nude pictures Chris Brown tries to make you forget that he jacked Rihanna's face up by bleaching his hair. Did it work, guys? [The Superficial] It will positively RUIN YOUR DAY when you hear who Ryan Gosling is dating. [Lainey Gossip] John Galliano is a disgusting anti-semite. [Cele|Bitchy] Lost's Michelle Rodriguez goes on a rambling, incoherent tirade. [TMZ] Britney Spears goes kind of topless for V magazine. [Amy Grindhouse] Kim Kardashian's music video explains why she had those br...

Let’s Check Out The New Dancing With the Stars Cast!

A photo of the new Dancing With the Stars cast Did you see that exclamation mark at the end of that headline? It's because I'm incredibly excited about this spring's cast of Dancing With the Stars.  I'm not even being sarcastic, I'm totally, definitely going to watch it.  Let me break down the cast and tell you why. First of all, Kirstie Allie is there, and she's obviously the big star, which is a little sad.  Do you remember when she actually worked and didn't just talk about her weight all the time?  I don't, I'm too young, but I...

Hey, Did You Hear That Christina Aguilera Got Arrested This Morning?

A photo of Christina Aguilera at the Grammy Awards Total shocker, right? See, what happened was that Christina and her boyfriend, Matthew Rutler, were out for a leisurely drive at about 2:45 this morning.  The problem was that Matthew was driving, and he was hammered, which apparently is not ok, so police had to pull him over and arrest him.  And poor little Christina was just minding her own business, sitting in the passenger seat, and she got booked for public intoxication.  They said she was "unable to care for herself." Is that a normal thing, being arrested for public intoxication while riding in a...

Check Out Jennifer Aniston’s $42M Home

That right there? That would be Jennifer Aniston's insanely comfortable looking bedroom and boo, that ain't even the half. Forbes published a whole piece about Jennifer's super pricey Beverly Hills mansion and the rest of the photos are just as awe-inducing as the bedroom shot. And my favorite part of the whole article? The master bedroom claims two bathrooms that were formerly arranged as a his-and-hers pair.  The very publicly single Aniston did away with the couples-style loo. Instead she converted the “hisâ...
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