Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Good Face Gone Bad: Joan Rivers’ Real Face, We Hardly Knew Ye

It seems like as soon as plastic surgery for cosmetic purposes became "a thing," comedian Joan Rivers started doing it. It's not like she'd been shy about it-- no one laughs harder about the state of her face than Joan herself-- but I don't think those of us who were born after her rise to fame truly understand the extent of work she's had done. You'll probably be shocked to see the ways Joan's face morphs over the years as you click through the gallery below. The changes beg you to ask why...

Kim Kardashian’s ‘JAM’ is SO Not My Jam

I love the Kardashian sisters and will support pretty much anything they do (I love to see strong Armenian women doing themselves to the most,) but I absolutely cannot stand by and watch Kim Kardashian try and position herself as some sort of singer. This new single "JAM" had its debut on Ryan Seacrest's radio show this morning and it's just GAWDAWFUL. From the completely trite and uninspired lyrics (try to tell T.I. or Rihanna that there aren't a million ways to articulate that you're hav...

Charlie Sheen’s Ex Says He Sent Anti-Semitic Texts, His Lawyer Denies It

Charlie Sheen's ex-wife Brooke Mueller told TMZ that the above text message was sent to her by her ex-husband regarding his lawyer Mark Burg. Of course both Charlie and Mark are denying these claims, saying that Charlie is close to far too many Jewish people for this to be true and that Brooke must have sent the text from Charlie's phone herself. The actor said that "the goddesses" can confirm that Brooke was seen holding his phone on the same day that the text message was sent. What's slight...

Afternoon Delight [The PM Links]

photo of sick drugged out katie holmes pictures You know you want to follow the fuckery that inherently is Charlie Sheen's Twitter, right? [Betty Confidential] The real reason that the Oscar hosting sucked so hard? Anne Hathaway thinks James Franco's a total twat. [The Superficial] Scarlett Johansson rubs up on Sean Penn. Again. [Amy Grindhouse] Maybe Katie Holmes really IS on some hard drugs. That explains Cruise, anyway. [ICYDK] Kate Winslet weighed HOW MUCH at fifteen? [The Frisky]...

Snooki Does Rolling Stone: “What I’d Like Is to Turn Out Like Jessica Simpson”

A photo of Nicole "Snooki" Polizza on the cover of Rolling Stone This girl.  Honestly.  To me, Snooki is hot like Charlie Sheen right now, except, you know, without death threats.  And in this month's issue of Rolling Stone, Snooki pops out to let the world know that she's never going to go away.  Sorry about that, or, depending on your outlook, hooray! From Rolling Stone: On watching Jersey Shore: "If I do something stupid, which is pretty much the whole time, I hate it," she says. "I just hate it. Obviously, they're only going to put the good stuff in, and the good stuff is us drunk, so all I'm seeing is me drunk and falling down. That's how ...

Look, It’s Christina Aguilera’s Mug Shot!

A photo of Christina Aguilera's mug shot Can you tell where it's from? Sorry about the low quality, but this is as good as we're going to get - there's not going to be a public release of the mug shot, Lindsay style, because nobody plans on pressing charges against Christina.  It's a good thing too, because this girl does not handle the police station's lighting that well, does she? For good measure, here's the rundown from a police officer on Christina's arrest: "They [police] witnessed a person driving erratically. At 2.4...

Love It or Leave It: Rihanna’s Crazy Long Legs

picture of rihanna with red wig photos Love it - totally. My proclamation that Rihanna is one of the world's hottest stands, and this series of photos totally confirms it. But I still think her wide variety of red wigs are better left to collecting dust in Cher's closet, because they totally do her no justice. She's definitely way hotter with a natural color or, you know, just naked. What female celebrity do you guys think has the best stems? [gallery columns="5"]...

Let’s Talk About Kirstie Alley’s Grand Return to Television, How ‘Bout It

picture of kirstie alley photos Kirstie Alley. So funny. I wrote a post about Kirstie a few weeks ago, singing her praises and whatever, and HERE SHE IS, getting ready to star on the next segment of Dancing With the Stars. I'm going crazy, guys. It's like it was meant to be or something. And can we discuss how UNBELIEVABLE Kirstie looks for her age? I read an article last night, and though I probably subconsciously knew it, she's sixty. Sixty years old. Like, older than my mother. Kirstie Alley. Who I remember very fondly...

Morning Wood [The AM Links]

photo of samantha micelli who's the boss pictures Is Charlie Sheen a polygamist now, too? [The Superficial] What Samantha Micelli looks like today - you'll be shocked. [Lainey Gossip] Christina Aguilera forgot her address in her drunken stupor. [Cele|Bitchy] John Galliano fired from Dior for being a racist, classist, anti-semite fucktard. [The Blemish] WHO is replacing Charlie Sheen on Two and a Half Men? [Right Celebrity TV] You'll remember this girl as the chick that Justin Bieber made out with in a vehicle when he was a young lass. [Caught on Set] Serena Williams rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. [TMZ]...

Robert Pattinson Dishes Like a Schoolgirl to Vanity Fair, Blubbers About Elephants and How Great Kristen Stewart Really Is

picture of robert pattinson cover of vanity fair magazine water for elephants photos Oh Robert Pattinson. Though I've never seen Twilight (and quite honestly, probably WON'T EVER), I still know of your sparkly, effervescent, vulva-swooning ways that are apparently appealing to those on both sides of the fence. And boyfriend? Though you were a total manly-man in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, your metro ways are slowly emerging, and I'm starting to believe the fuss that you, yourself, might be interested in those on both sides of the fence, too. There is, of course, no...

OMG Justin Bieber Turned 17!

picture of selena gomez and justin bieber on his birthday photos Oh snap, kids. Justin Bieber is 17, which means that he's ONE YEAR CLOSER to being LEGALLY boned by Selena Gomez. Justin celebrated his 17th birthday yesterday (and I wholly lament the fact that Beebs shares his birthday with my husband, who turned thirty yesterday, even though it's just as embarrassing that I happen to share a birthday with the Olsen twins), and to celebrate, the couple hit up a local mall, mugged for the cameras, and ate Pink Berry. Happy birthday, Justin. Will you please just...
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