Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Sneak Preview of Nicki Minaj’s ‘Super Bass’ Video

Nicki Minaj is currently filming the video for her next single "Super Bass" and yesterday, MTV aired a behind-the-scenes segment. Unfortunately Nicki didn't say anything in her interview that blew my mind (except for that one line about "quenching everyone's thirst because all these bitches are suckers,") but the video does look hot. Very similar to something Rihanna or Gaga would do, but definitely a step up from the low-budget videos she was making back in the day. As I'm sure you know, "Super Bass" is ...

Why is Quentin Tarantino Suing The Creator of ‘True Blood’?

Quentin Tarantino has filed a lawsuit against his neighbor Alan Ball, who just so happens to be the creator of True Blood, because he can no longer handle the constant screeching coming from Ball's exotic bird collection. It sounds like a joke, but it's not. From TheHollywoodReporter: Tarantino claims in his lawsuit, filed Thursday in L.A. County Superior Court, that the "obnoxious pteradactyl-like screams" coming from Ball's "exotic bird menagerie" have "seriously disrupted [his] ability to work as a writer in hi...

Look No Further, Mass-Produced Tiger Blood is Here

We knew someone was going to capitalize on this whole "I'm Charlie Sheen, I drink Tiger Blood" thing sooner or later, and we (per usual) were totally right. A company called Harcos is now offering "Tiger Blood" in packaging that's meant to look like an IV drip, but is really just like, a bootleg Capri-Sun with a screw top. From the Harcos website: We have decided to do a limited edition of one of our products, converting it into Bi-Winning Tiger Blood. It's made from 100% passion specifi...

The People Behind ‘Twilight’ Got Beef With Bath & Body Works

Bath & Body Works was being threatened with legal action by Summit Entertainment, the people behind the Twilight movies to discontinue their scent, "Twilight Woods." The production company claims that the retailer is trying to capitalize on their brand through unofficial merchandise. While a lesser overpriced lotion and fragrance manufacturer would buckle under the pressure, Bath & Body Works is all "Hell to the no!" From TwilightLexicon: Confusion in the marketplace? Summit alle...

South Korean Pop Group Says Lady Gaga Stole From Them, Too

We all thought she was just blatantly ripping off Madonna, but according to Korean pop group SNSD, she stole the sound for "Born This Way" from them. The YouTube video below alternates between Gaga's "Born This Way" and SNSD's "Be Happy," which as released a full year before Gaga's song. SNSD says that, in addition to biting their beats, Gaga's song has an almost identical message. You'll have to watch the video and decide for yourself if Gaga is ripping off SNSD, but I'm going to throw this out there: Since when does ANY pop music sound...

Afternoon Delight [The PM Links]

picture of hot lindsay lohan ankle bracelet bikini underwear photos Apparently THIS is what sweat in latex smells like. [The Superficial] Wait, Tila Tequila has a MUSIC video now? [Popbytes] What A-list celebrity has lesbian rumors going around? [Cele|Bitchy] And this is where Charlie Sheen admits that he's losing his mind. [Amy Grindhouse] Guess what celebrity thinks he's too cool to play into celebrity. [Lainey Gossip] Justin Bieber causes a riot in Liverpool, gets trapped in his hotel room. [Celebrity Dirty Laundry] Oh so I guess this u...

Meet the Man Who Has 82 Julia Roberts Tattoos

Miljenko Parserisas Bukovic, a newspaper salesman from Mexico is getting some worldwide attention for his collection of Julia Roberts tattoos. There are currently 82 images of her face all over his body and he's spent over 1,000,000 pesos to have this done. Miljenko says that he started making his body a shrine to all things Julia after seeing the actress in Erin Brockovich, and he says he'll keep going until every inch of his body is covered with her face. Well, Miley and Vanessa... You two idiots are officially out of the running for having...

Tila Tequila Wants A Piece Of Charlie Sheen

A photo of Tila Tequila And really, can you blame her? Tila did a little interview recently, and someone had the brilliant idea to ask her about Charlie Sheen.  And this is what our girl had to say: “I could definitely do a better job than [Bree Olson and Natalie Kenly] can,” Tila says. “He won’t need anyone else around. There’d only be one goddess. I could show Chucky a good time — but also help him out.” She went on to talk about how Charlie needs help, so on and so forth, but I say save that tal...

Love It or Leave It: Today’s Lohan Court Attire

This is what Lindsay wore to court today.  Call me crazy, but I don't think that latex is an appropriate material to wear in a courtroom.  But this girl was 35 minutes late today, natch, so you know she was just rifling through her closet, trying to find something classy and appropriate. Maybe next time, Lindsay. If you're interested in how things went for Lindsay in court, here's a quick rundown:  they went all right.  She has until March 23rd to decide if she wants to take the plea...

Charlie Sheen Does Funny or Die

Charlie Sheen's Winning Recipes from Charlie Sheen So, uh, 'funny,' or 'die'? I mean, it was funny, and he's definitely gonna die (if not this year, you know, eventually), but is the Charlie hype all it's cracked up to be? ...

Morning Wood [The AM Links]

photo of leann rimes pictures Lindsay Lohan is - or isn't - going to jail. [The Superficial] LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian will not be doing a reality show [ICYDK] The Top five Disney princesses - did your favorite make the list?[Pajiba] The Miley Cyrus video emerges and she's one badass. [Allie is Wired] Gwyneth Paltrow on Glee: love it or hate it? [Betty Confidential] Follow Kirstie Alley's journey through Dancing With the Stars. [Celebrity Smack Blog] Charlie Sheen tells Brooke Mueller that she's got a final chance. [TMZ] Lady Gaga drops Target like a bad habit. [Celebrity VIP Lounge] Behind th...

So This is Who Ke$ha is Probably Sleeping With

picture of calvin harris photos If you're cool and savvy and worldly, you'll probably know who Calvin Harris is - he's a singer/songwriter/DJ/producer from the UK and is also pretty popular, too. If you're sheltered and resistant to exposing yourself to new things like me, you probably had to Google him and analyze his Wiki page or, just read this sorry excuse for a Calvin Harris bio and said 'OK.' Either way, this is the dude that our very favorite girl Ke$ha is rumored to be hooking up with. During her recent UK tou...
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