Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Blind Item: What Female Celebrity is Said to be Totally Batshit Crazy?

blind item picture photos

I know a lot of you guys automatically had a slew of chicks that you could think of to fit that description, and I can’t blame you, but just wait a second now. Check out the blind item, dish courtesy of Blind Items Exposed, and venture your guesses in the comments:

She’s long had a reputation for being absolute hell to work with. I mean like straight up crazy. Leaves her shit, sometimes literally, everywhere, specifies exact times when people can or cannot talk to her, is foaming at the mouth insane one minute, calm and collected the next. Lately her opportunities have dried up. And this is a good example of why.

Press junket. A handler has to make sure she wakes up in the morning. Because she’s not a proper adult? She finds her completely out of it. Has to put her in the shower and HOLD HER UP. Picture that please. A grown woman having to be physically SUPPORTED in the shower to make sure she can go and do her JOB. She then had to be spoon fed her breakfast. And she had to be dressed. Like, let’s put on your socks! Finally they get her to the point where she can be seen in public. A journalist is soon expected for an interview. Through it all she’s still a fucking zombie.

Soon as the reporter comes into the room though, a switch goes off. She’s alive. She’s engaging. She can speak in proper sentences. And you can imagine, for the people who’ve experienced this, who’ve had to work with her, who have to manage the unpredictability of this, how scary it must be, how utterly unsettling, even more unsettling than most of her peers. And in her business, that’s a pretty high standard.

Naturally, when I read ‘foaming at the mouth,’ my first (mean) inclination was to say ‘Britney.’ But the whole thing about opportunities drying up, that kind of negates it. Britney’s hot right now, everyone wants a piece. My second guess would be Paula Abdul. I love Paula, but it does seem that she could be pretty difficult to work with, especially when the producers of American Idol aren’t around to give massive doses of Thorazine. My second guess would be Christina Aguilera. Her appeal is dropping quickly, and I can see her being all incoherent and ridiculous to the point where she needs to be supported in the shower, can’t you?

2 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I’d have to agree with the Christina statement. But wouldn’t it be fun if it was someone totally unexpected? Like Naomi Campbell? I’m not sure what’s been going on with her lately. And PAULA? I think she’s been there since the Idol Days.

  • Bitch. Brit’s been normal for all along time now. Awkward but normal. People need to stop with the crazy label.

    Screams Christina to me.