Verne Troyer AKA Mini-Me AKA the little person who to Ecstasy and pissed on a houseplant and workout equipment on The Surreal Life visited the Western Wall in Isreal yesterday. Wonder what the teeny dude was praying for while stationed in front of the religious monument. Hopefully his career.
(BTW, if you haven't seen the videos of our beloved Sasha interviewing Verne's sex tape partner, you need to get on that.)...
Our beautiful little flower Taylor Momsen just did the Korean version of Nylon Magazine (did you know there's a Korean Nylon? Me neither.) and I'm so thrilled that this is probably what our Asian pals think American teens are like. Of course there's absolutely no one more classy or qualified to represent the teenage masses. Taylor's given us endless evidence that she's a role model and a shining example of what an underage lady should be.
Kudos, Taylor! Kudos!
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Aubrey O'Day walked the runway for Indashio during New York Fashion Week, but her slightly plump frame grabbed more looks than the tight black frock she was wearing.
Aubrey has always been rail thin, and while I really like the way she's carrying her new curves (she looks so happy and healthy, right?), I barely recognized her.
What do you think of Aubrey's new shape? Is this a result of laziness or some much-needed carb loading? Let me know what you think in the comments and by voting in ...
Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
Former Jon & Kate Plus 8 star Jon Gosselin has a new gig and it's about as unglamorous as it gets. Jon's working with a Pennsylvania construction company installing solar panels on new homes. Homes probably like the one he'd be able to afford if he was still pimping his kids to get by.
Of course this means that Jon is dead broke. The former IT analyst had to sell his BMW last year because he needed the $25,000 so badly. Now his yearly salary is probably somewhere around...
AC on Jessica Simpson Rocks Big Hair and No Pants in New York:
"That's because it tastes like bacon."
evilbeetdouche on Lil Kim Wants Nicki Minaj Dead:
"Violence in rap, didn’t see that one coming. What’s next mistreatment of women, promoting drug use, you say?"
Sammy on Lil Kim Wants Nicki Minaj Dead:
"Ugh. Lil Kim’s a has been troll. The only thing I ever enjoyed about her was watching Diana Ross slapping her boob around. Oh, and watching to see if she could ever NOT look li...
We knew Mariah Carey was going to go all out for her twins, but now we have an idea of the extent she's going to. And it's cray, yo.
According to a source close to MiMi, she's already secured the following items for her little prince and princess:
18-carat gold trim with ivory walls
Walk-in wardrobes full of Petit Trésor designer clothes
A top-of-the-range sound system
Diamond-encrusted iPods
Flatscreen TVs that come down from the ceiling
Chelsea Sleigh cribs
Glam Glider chairs...
“I was sitting with Courtney Love, and she might’ve saved me from a fight. I’m not going to say ass-whipping . . . But you never know—he’s hanging out with Guy Ritchie. Those guys go at it. She kind of barked, or was growling, and that was it.”
- Chris Rock explaining how, after making Jude Law mad at the 2005 Oscars, Courtney Love came to his defense and prevented a brawl from going down.
Man, I love it when real behind-the-scenes dirt comes out years after it happened. Can you imagine a better image t...
Isn't that sweet? Isn't that just the sort of thing Lindsay needs right now? Amidst all her woes, legal and otherwise, this is exactly what Lindsay should be concerning herself with. Let me outline Lindsay's evening for you, and then you can tell me how much you agree.
-At approximately 1:45 last night, Lindsay rolled into a club, the same club that Sam Ronson was visiting. Total coincidence.
-The ladies hung out for 45 minutes, Lindsay surely did not consume any alcohol whatsoever, and then they left together (see the above photo).
-Around 6...
What That 70's Show's Donna looks like today (spoiler? HOT). [The Superficial]
Um, did these two get married and SOMEHOW I missed it?! [Lainey Gossip]
Oh, look who Lindsay Lohan left the club with last night. [TMZ]
Gwyneth Paltrow spends more on her kids' pajamas than I do on weekly groceries you guys. [Amy Grindhouse]
Ew, you can totally see J Woww's nasty-assed tit implant scars. [The Blemish]...
Oh Megan Fox. You are, by far, one of the fairest creatures I've set my eyes on in, like, life. Your body might be a little scrawny for my personal tastes, but that face - when you're not blowing your lips up with the injectable of the day (today it looks like fish oil, no lie) - is AMAZING, and oh, how I covet your eyebrows.
Keep on keeping hot, Megan, and I promise, I'll be just rapt with attention even if your acting DOES suck.