Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Is Lady Gaga Pregnant?

photo of baby gaga pictures exclusive facebook games apps OK, no, really, she's not, but did you ever wish you could, you know, be involved even more than you are (which is to say 'not at all') with your favorite semen-and-blood-smelling idol, Lady Gaga? OK, well, you can. For all of those fucking pointless hours you probably spend at work avoiding ex-boyfriends and stalking their new girlfriends on Facebook, your time can be better spent, guys. While doing exactly that last night, I came across this new app for Facebook called 'Baby Gaga Exclusive.' The premise of the game is ...

Selena Gomez Isn’t Just Justin Bieber’s Girlfriend, She’s a Humanitarian Too

photo of selena gomez twit pic child from chile pictures Aww Selena Gomez. You so crazy and cute, girlfriend. I love your multi-faceted ways that waffle between banging an underage popstar to tickling and chuckling with an underprivileged youth from Chile during recent UNICEF tours. And though your looks-needle seems permanently stuck on twelve years old (and hey - you'll be thanking your mama for those good genes in ten or fifteen years), you're positively adorable anyway. You're a super example of what it is to be a young woman in Hollywood, an...

What Do You Think of Rihanna’s Kinky New Video?

Rihanna's new wacky sex dungeon-themed video for her song "S&M" was released yesterday and while it's visually interesting (it looks a bit like a tribute to Busta Rhymes' videos), I'm not really feeling this song yet. And I have to ask: Why is Perez Hilton in this video? If you can excuse the fact that he's the worst human in the world, isn't so much as a Perez Hilton reference a little 2007? I would think that Rihanna would have pulled for Antoine Dodson or someone more relevant if she was looking for a...

‘Community’ Goes Girl-on-Girl

No, a Britta and Annie hook up is not going down any time soon, but these photos of various cast members of the verge of doin' it were posted to a Community producer's Twitter yesterday and they're pretty funny and definitely sexier than those topless Justin Bieber pics. Too bad these shots were staged for LOLs. How great would it be if the season ended with a D.Glover/Chevy Chase make out sesh? [gallery]...

Quotables: Keira Knightley Is “The Laziest F*cker in The Entire World”

A photo of Keira Knightley “Do you know what it is? It’s that I’m the laziest fucker in the entire world. It’s true. And stagnation is always really, really imminent. I can literally just sit and not do anything for hours and hours and hours and if there is something completely mind-numbing to do, like surfing the internet or watching crappy TV, I’ll do it and then I’ll feel shit about myself. So I try and get rid of it.” -Keira Knightley telling Elle UK why she doesn't own a television. In the intervi...

In Other News …

photo of hot christina milian pictures Minka Kelly, taking her clothes off. [The Superficial] The number one reason that Kim Kardashian is famous - right here in its full glory. [Celebslam] Check out Rihanna's steamiest video yet! [popbytes] The worst 'For Your Consideration' movie posters in recent years: a list. [Pajiba] Kristen Stewart being considered for the role of Lois Lane? [Celebitchy] Keira Knightley for Elle UK - yup, she's still around. [Amy Grindhouse] Who would have thought that Lauren Conrad could be so ... hot? [CityRag] Halle Berry fighting for c...

Are Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Whoring Their Kids Out For Money and Fame?

photo of author terry mcmillan pictures Oh snap, you guys. If this is true, fuck ... I'll be so disappointed in the Fresh Prince that I won't be able to watch reruns at 2 AM anymore when I'm having fits of insomnia and the desire for shitty takeout Chinese food and that?  Is bad. According to author Terry McMillan, Will and wife Jada are pushing their kids to succeed in the entertainment field in order to capitalize off of their fame, because apparently they don't have enough money or something. McMillan took to her Twitter ear...

Christina Applegate Has a Baby!

photo of christina applegate pregnant pictures Christina Applegate, whom I feel like I just reported was pregnant, like, a month ago, has confirmed through her rep that she's given birth to a healthy baby girl, Sadie Grace LeNoble. The kid's father is Martyn LeNoble, epic musician who's played in and helped out with bands like Porno for Pyros, Jane's Addiction, and The Cult - the two were married (uh, Christina and Martyn, not Martyn and his new daughter; that's kind of weird unless you're in Utah I guess) within the last year. Sadie Grace was born this past Thursday in California, and th...

So Apparently Charlie Sheen Isn’t in Rehab

photo of charlie sheen in hospital pictures And close sources say that he won't be going, either. As studio and network execs for Two and a Half Men heave a giant sigh of relief, fans of Charlie shake their heads in disbelief - that a man with such talent* could be left to rot in his own alcoholism and drug addiction. Sheen, who suffered a trip to a hospital after a two-day pornstar-and-coke binge, was driven home by the very neighbor who called an ambulance to transport the star to the hospital, and sources say that there are current...
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