What That 70’s Show‘s Donna looks like today (spoiler? HOT). [The Superficial]
Um, did these two get married and SOMEHOW I missed it?! [Lainey Gossip]
Oh, look who Lindsay Lohan left the club with last night. [TMZ]
Gwyneth Paltrow spends more on her kids’ pajamas than I do on weekly groceries you guys. [Amy Grindhouse]
Ew, you can totally see J Woww’s nasty-assed tit implant scars. [The Blemish]
So wait. I’ve been on meds for a cold that have made me feel like I’m in a Doors music video for the last two days but did I miss something? Was the necklace stuff dropped against “absent minded” Lindsay? Also, when you’re on probation for anything drug/alcohol related, aren’t you suppose to stay away from clubs/bars/etc.? Or is that just real world law I’m thinking of?
Insane, right? But hey … It’s Lindsay. Everyone apparently turns a blind eye to girlfriend.