Today's Evil Beet Gossip

If You Don’t Think Lady Gaga is a Business Woman, You Will After You See This

I am no fan of Lady Gaga's broke down Soviet disco music, but I do respect the hell out of her as an entertainer and business woman. The Lady knows how to grab our attention and keep us interested just long enough to keep her name burnt into our brains, and that takes at least some level of smarts and a knack for business. Today I saw this video (click through, please! It wouldn't embed on our platform!) of Gaga on CNN's Closing Bell discussing her new line of products for Polaroid and was blown aw...

What Movie Star is Lindsay Lohan’s Sobriety Mentor?

Everyone knows that after you complete a stint in rehab or even just go to AA, you work through the hard times with a sponsor, someone who's already been through the program and has successfully figured out a way to live life sober. Of course Lindsay Lohan, the luckiest person to ever receive treatment for addiction, doesn't have some random looking after her. The actress' source of support has a name and a face you just may recognize. Click through to find out who's seeing Lindsay through her rough times.... Read More...

Oh S***! Are Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds Dating?

Right after New Year's I posted that the co-stars of The Proposal, Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds, spent their New Years Eve together. At the time I thought the recently divorced duo was just palling around to cover up their hurt feelings over their failed marriages, but two weeks later, it's starting to look like something more. From RadarOnline: The Proposal co-stars were very publicly spotted on New Year's Eve at the restaurant Sandra owns in Austin, Texas. They've denied they're dating, but a source with knowledge of the situation tells us exclusively that the two "are very much dati...

Love It or Leave It: Natalie Portman as Budget Chorus Girl

A photo of Natalie Portman Listen, I love Natalie, I really do.  And I would like to say that my love is unconditional, but I'm not a liar, and if Natalie shows up in one more boring dress with a bedazzled collar and cuffs, the whole thing's off.  For real, I've seen bolts of felt that misguided costume designers stapled and hot glued into a dress shape that were in the same family as this nonsense. It's offensive, and it's not ok. Is it because of the pregnancy?  If nothing else, the dress does look comfortable, and...

In Other News …

photo of jake gyllenhaal shirtless pictures J Woww nude photos emerge on the 'net, and she claims that she was under anesthesiology when they were taken.  [The Superficial] Katie Holmes apparently sucks at playing Jackie Kennedy.  Who would have thought.  [The Superficial] Now Lindsay Lohan is a basketball fan.  OK.  [Celebslam] The Kardashians are being sued ... you'll never believe for what! [PopBytes] Country Strong spoilers - MUST READ Country Strong spoilers! [Pajiba] Guess which high-profile celebrity couple has bee...

Britney Spears’ New Single “Hold It Against Me” Leaks

Though the single wasn't supposed to debut 'til midnight tonight, we here at Evil Beet have got it exclusively for you! Are you stoked?  Excited? Elated?! *Thoughts? *I actually hate it. It's way heavy on the auto-tune and the idea of holding any part of my body up against Brit kind of turns me off. I also like where it sounds like she says, 'You feel like head lice,' because really, what feeling does Brit know better, what with that weave tragedy and all?...

Quotables: Giada DeLaurentiis Knows What It Takes to Keep a Man

photo of giada delaurentiis pictures “I try to be Giada, the young girl that he met 20 years ago and fell in love with. All men want to be treated like kings in a relationship, and I think if women don’t indulge that sometimes, their men are likely to stray and look for someone who can give that to them.” Giada DeLaurentiis, most famous for her cooking show and boning John Mayer, speaks out about what men want in long-term relationships. She might have something, but you know what really keeps up the spice in a marriage? Whatever she...

David and Victoria Beckham Get Pregnant to Dispel Those Cheating Rumors

photo of david beckham victoria beckham pictures gq black and white In case you hadn't heard already, the eenie-weenie, teeny-tiny womb of Victoria Beckham is carrying yet another David Beckham zygote. Coming on the heels of multiple cheating allegations, David Beckham thought it best to impregnate his wife with another, presumably, boy, and what better way to say, 'Sorry for banging all those nasty hos, darling, but here - allow my seed to stretch your body into an oblivion, 'cause that's what true love really is.' Congrats, Beckz!...

Y’all Need To Leave Ginnifer Goodwin Alone For Being On Weight Watchers Since She Was Nine

I guess Ginnifer Goodwin recently said in an interview that she's been using the Weight Watchers program since she was a preteen to manage her weight. Of course drama queens across the world who love to start shit about body image when they don't really understand the issue chimed in and started saying she was somehow wrong for this. Just read Ginnifer's side of the story in People and see how NOT unhealthy her use of the program has been: "I was so shocked when it was this whole, 'Ginny's ...

Are Zac and Vanessa Having Ex Sex?

Maybe! People Magazine is reporting that the two were seen at a club opening over the weekend and had their mits all over each other: The pair, who announced their split in December, appeared to be more than friends at Friday evening's SHG's Eden Hollywood opening, where they were "constantly touching and kissing each other," an onlooker tells PEOPLE. After arriving with pal Brittany Snow around midnight, the actors quickly took to the dance floor. "Vanessa was bopping around with her arms up while Zac had his hands al...

Nicki Minaj and Rihanna Spent Yesterday Together, I Can Die Now

Rihanna posted this photo on her Twitter yesterday of her and Nicki Minaj during the video shoot for Nicki's song "Fly". I am a huge fan of both ladies (My love of Nicki has been well-documented on this blog and I recently dyed my hair red, partially inspired by RiRi. I won't lie) but I'm not sure if I'm crazy about this recent radio hit. There's no doubt that the video will be hot as hell, but the song? Meh. Are you a fan of "Fly" or are you one of those strange folks that could take ...

Lohan Also Got Hooked Up With a Sick Ass Range Rover

Another exciting day where I get to tell you about the lavish gifts given to an essentially washed-up actress to commemorate the glorious achievement of completing court-ordered rehab! :D :D :D Yesterday I told you how this bitch scored a $25,000 necklace for freesies and today I'm happy to report that Lindsay also scored a brand spakin' new 2010 ONYX Range Rover. Something about the maintenance and repair shop based in Beverly Hills letting her take the thing on loan for an undetermined amount of time AKA forever, probably. If you're wondering what...
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