Today's Evil Beet Gossip

News You Can Use

nude photos of john travolta pictures Guess what actor Michelle 'Bombshell' McGee is banging now? [The Superficial] Oh, look who's pregnant. I'm so totally surprised. [The Superficial] Jake Gyllenhaal dumped Taylor Swift over the phone. Take that, virginity sensors! [Celebitchy] Is Frasier a crossdresser? [TMZ] PHOTOS: What do you think of Britney Spears' new dancing bod? [TooFab] New baby, Benjamin Travolta, pictures - John still looks like the reanimated dead. [Amy Grindhouse]...

Glee Does Funny or Die

Today, I woke up and my internet connection was slower than Lance Armstrong's package in a two-testicled race because I live out in the beachside boonies where the best internet service providers go by the wicked generic name of 'Mediacom.' And because we got two inches of ice last night, coupled with the fact that MEDIACOM BLOWS GOATS (DO YOU HEAR THAT, MEDIACOM?), sitting here with my laptop waiting to establish a connection faster than 1MBps is like watching paint dry, just .. duller. As for t...

Love It or Leave It: John Mayer Grows His Hair All Pretty

photo of john mayer with beard long hair pictures I know that the big thing these days is for men to grow their hair and their beards and what not (my husband is going through the phase right now and I have to say - it's hot hot hot), but some celebrities - like Tom Brady - don't look so good. And by 'don't look so good,' I mean they 'look like a demented serial killer who slicks his hair back with motor oil and has a pretty serious underbite FOR SOME PRETTY SERIOUS BITING.' I also get the feeling that as John Mayer ages, he's going to look a lot like Jerry Garcia. And while that is a ...

Kendall Jenner’s Latest Photo Shoot: At Least She’s Got More Clothes on This Time

photo of kendall jenner t-shirt photoshoot pictures So a lot of the crazy prudes on the 'net are crying that Kendall Jenner's photo shoot for Marc Clark's new t-shirt line is inappropriate. You know what I think was inappropriate? Kendall Jenner's photo shoot of this past summer, where she frolicked like a Kardashian sex kitten in a bikini on the beach. Fully clad in crappy t-shirts that will probably end up selling on clearance at Forever 21? Totally appropriate. If you guys have forgotten, I'll remind you: Kendall Jenner is fifteen. While she could better be served (and serve) doing things like usin...

Sarah Jessica Parker Takes Her Crazy Faced Twins Out For a Walk

Hey! Before you all pigpile on me in the comments for making fun of babies, let me clarify: Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick's twin girls are majorly adorable, but with two actors making up their DNA, it's no surprise that they're so animated. Especially whichever one it is that Sarah The Wilting Flower's holding. They're twins. You expect me to be able to tell them apart? Please. No one can. I feel like if you took off their little Ugg boots you'd find their names written on the b...

Timbaland Reaches Out To Demi Lovato Like a Fan Girl via YouTube

Wowwwww. The above video was posted to Timbaland's YouTube account last night by the man himself and it's basically a two minute video of the super producer begging Demi to work with him. He even plays a short sample of the song that he wrote for her to perform with him and it sounds like a complete departure from anything we've heard him do in the past, but a really solid teeny bopper pop hit. Timb says  he came across Demi's stuff on YouTube and was blown away by her voice and personality and immediately got excite...

Quotables: Oprah Doesn’t Think Anderson Cooper Can Fill Her Loboutins

"No! The next Anderson, yes. But he will not be the next Oprah." - Oprah Winfrey, responding to whether or not Anderson Cooper's daytime talkshow will make him the next Oprah Winfrey, during a Q&A session about the OWN Network yesterday. In print this looks pretty snotty on Oprah's part. Well, snotty in the way that only Oprah Winfrey can get away with being because she's otherwise the closest living thing to Christ on our planet. The heir of, "No one will ever replace me, not even the guy...

Looks Like Lindsay’s Having Trouble With That New Car …

Is it because of crack or because of her vagina?  Get it, because women can't drive?  We are inferior in certain ways. Ha. But really, I'm thinking it's the crack.  I'm not even suggesting that she's back to her wacky crackhead ways, I'm just saying that spending so many years gobbling up meth, chasing it with vodka, and making out with Paris Hilton might throw off your depth perception a bit.  And that's not Lindsay's fault.  Clearly someone needs to give this poor girl a bigger garage, am I ...

News You Can Use

photo of scarlett johansson pictures hot photographs Ashton Kutcher has apparently read Our Bodies, Ourselves one too many times. [The Superficial] Guess which famous actress was blind in one eye up until recently. [The Superficial] Kendall Jenner's new, more age-appropriate, fashion shoot. Sort of. [TooFab] Charlie Sheen is on another bender of epic proportions - and it's not expected to end well. [TMZ] Olivia Munn's head looks like it got some kind of weird surgery, but I'm too fatigued from looking at her massive bush to fig...

Remember That Book Snooki Wrote? People Are Actually Buying It.

photo of nicole snooki polizzi of jersey shore pictures Just when I thought that the last of the Wizard of Oz munchkins had gained their last iota of under-deserved fame, Nicole Polizzi, affectionately known as 'Snooki' in dirty New Jersey clubs that stink of stale sweat, Axe body spray, and that funk-fungus stink that you get when you lay in a tanning bed for more than the prescribed max of fifteen minutes, has gone and snatched another fifteen minutes of fame by writing a book and dressing like Liza Minelli in drag in drag in drag. In drag. ...

Celebrity Tweet of the Day: Vote for the Lamest!

photo of celebrities on twitter pictures Ah celebrities and their inseparable Twitter accounts. I actually kind of hate Twitter, myself. I think it's the height of narcissism, which is probably why so many celebrities dig it so much that they can't go ten minutes without an update ('Chopping broccoli.' 'Eating broccoli.' 'Oh man, broccoli was a bad idea, guys'). Thanks for that. But luckily for us, once a tweet is out there, no amount of deleting and clearing of caches will allow us to un-see it - hence nude photos, scary kabuk...

Surprise, Owen Wilson is Going to Be a Dad

photo of owen wilson actor pictures And come on, show of hands: who, like me, thought that Owen Wilson was still stuck in a seedy two-room apartment somewhere in LA, lamenting his days of better roles than those starring alongside Reese Witherspoon in crappy rom-coms, and all crazy, unshaven, and unstable? However, unless he broke out of his emotional fugue long enough to impregnate a woman that I have never heard of just to retreat back to said bedbug-infested hovel, we are mistaken - Wilson, who has been dating Jade Duell for a year, has paid ...
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