And don’t worry about that thing flapping off in the wind during those country flatbed truck rides, y’all, this one’s been superglued!
A continually disheveled Britney Spears was photographed earlier in the week rocking what can only be described as a giant albino’s merkin on her head.
Really though. There’s no other explanation.
Why can’t that girl just grow her own hair? She’s had weaves for like, four years! Blame it on her hairdresser (oh, and the drug use).
I’m starting to wonder if girlfriend ever actually HAD real hair. Like, ever.
I’m confused. Are the bits dangling around the sides her natural hair? Surely it’s long enough now to forgo the weave?
Maybe she’s got it falling out in chunks from stress?
You always post the worst shit about her, never anything good. It projects REALLY positive traits. Pathetic.
and no matter how disheveled she looks, her skin is always clear. i just don’t get it
I reckon KFED gave her AIDS, it’s not her fault; he wants to be black, and he probably heard on the news that Africa has a lot of AIDS, so he put the 2 together and deliberately got AIDS.
Poor Britney has just been caught in the crossfire of this douchebag’s cultural identity problem all those years ago.
she is so gay
she is pretty
She looks way 2 much like her sis when Britney wuz young.