Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Caption This: Lady Gaga Gets Groped By a Fan

photo of fan grabbing lady gaga's boobs tits pictures When I first saw these pictures, I thought John Lennon's mom had a secret love child with Elton John so many years ago and this was the result. Unfortunately, it was just Lady Gaga's 'What the fuck' face while being groped by a zealous fan. In reality, I do have something positive to say - Gaga's bleached eyebrows? Someone did a good job on them and they really look great with her hair. Because really, there's not much worse than someone with platinum blonde hair and thick, raven-black...

A Very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays From Antoine Dodson

You probably recognize the dude above from the whole 'Hide your kids, hide your wife, they rapin' errbody out here' video that has, incidentally, become YouTube's number one video of the year. If you haven't seen it? Don't even bother with the above video - it won't make sense and you're just going to ruin it on yourself. Click here first, and then here, like good little girls and boys so that you can fully appreciate the hilarity that is Antoine Dodson and auto-tune the news....

Lindsay’s Apparently Jumped Off the Wagon Again, Has Run Screaming to the Nearest Bar

photo of lindsay lohan drunk pictures photographs By now you've probably heard bits and pieces of odd details surrounding a story about Lindsay and her alkie friends at the Betty Ford Clinic and I am here to tell you - whatever you heard?  Is probably correct. Lindsay, who was 'bailed' with some girlfriends for good behavior, had been living in one of Ford's unsupervised halfway houses and decided to skip out for a night on the town. At a bar. Because patients at a rehab center totally need variety, you guys. All those 'I'm an alcoholic...

Shaq Can Do Anything, Even Conduct An Orchestra!

Did you see Kazaam?  Did you listen to "Shoot Pass Slam?" Have you seen an important basketball game in the past 18 years?  If you answered yes to any of these things, then it should be clear to you that Shaq is a higher being, capable of things that we mortal folk can only dream of doing.  And that's why this happened: The Boston Celtics star, 38, led the famous orchestra and the Tanglewood Festival Chorus in a rousing rendition of "Sleigh Ride" as part of the Holiday Pops Concert at Boston's Symphony Hall. He might...

Don’t Worry You Guys, Robert Pattinson is a Good Kisser

Oh, the time that this information will save me. Hours and hours each day, probably. I mean, before I saw this clip of Christina Ricci on Rachael Ray talking all about what it's like to make out with R.Patz, I was spending up to fifteen hours a day asking myself, "Is he a good kisser? I mean, he looks like he would be, but is he really?" Just kiddin', y'all. I've never wondered anything like that in my life. About anyone. And I have to know who does wonder about such things because it seems like every interview with a cele...

Video Mash-Up: Your Year at The Movies in 2010

2010 is coming to an end, so it's time to reflect on the year's best entertainment. My memory tends to be fuzzy when it comes to recalling things that happened longer than a week or so ago, so thankfully I found this mash-up of many of the year's best films. Included in the five and a half minute clip are sections of Kick Ass, Somewhere, Toy Story 3, The Runaways and countless others. It was a great year for movies. Some of my favorites were Blue Valentine, The Fighter, Exit Through The Gift Shop and Waiting for Superman...

Heidi Montag Shows Off Her Horrible Plastic Surgery Scars in Life & Style

photo of heidi montag plastic surgery before and after pictures photographs And from this photo,we're supposed to feel all sorts of horrible for Heidi and her violently scarred and marred face and send gifts - in the form of traveler's checks - to Heidi and Spencer's compound in Costa Rica. Or, you know, send them even if you think Heidi and Spencer are complete shitbags anyway, because it'll keep them occupied outside of US soil for a bit longer. A year after her plastic surgery, Heidi has run out of money a feature story in Life & Style magazine, where she di...

Love It or Leave It: LeAnn Rimes Dresses Up as Sexy Mrs. Claus

photo of leann rimes sexy mrs. claus twitter photos pictures christmas Love it. It's cute, you can tell she's totally into Christmas, much like I am (no, seriously, I am probably the most into-Christmas-person you'll ever meet - carols, volunteering for the local live Nativity, cookie baking weeks, wrapping presents, planning dinner menus, going to see lights, you name it - I'VE DONE IT ALL IN THE PAST THREE AND A HALF WEEKS, BITCHES). LeAnn took to her Twitter, naturally, to post the above photo for something Christmas-related in which she dressed up one of Mr...

Lindsay’s Rehab Roomies Are Up To No Good

It doesn't seem to matter that she's over 100 days sober and cleaning up her act in a top rehab center because Lindsay Lohan seems to attract the wrong people no matter where she goes. Over the weekend, Lindsay's rehab roomies threw a wild party in the private facility they were moved to for good behavior. When it was discovered that the actress' roommates were drinking heavily, all of them were moved back to the main facility. The Betty Ford Clinic is denying that the party ever happened and has said that they moved Lindsay back to the bigger bu...

Chris Brown Graduates From Domestic Violence School, Tweets Photo of Diploma

photo of chris brown with a puppy on his shoulder pictures photographs OK. So we all have our feelings about Chris Brown - some hate him, some love him, some forgive him, and some even say that his violent physical rage against Rihanna was an entitlement (and what the fuck is wrong with you people - no one deserves to be hit you bunch of twats). Chris has also kind of stayed out of the spotlight since the whole fucking-up-Rihanna's-world thing, (with, you know, the exception of whining that his albums were suffering because people couldn't get over the fact th...

Why Wouldn’t Paris Hilton Have a Sexy Christmas Card? is claiming that this is Paris Hilton's Christmas card. I'm not sure if they found it on her website or Twitter or if she mailed it off to her favorite media outlets in addition to her manager and her weird aunts. Either way, it's hilariously inappropriate. Like, if I didn't believe that she was pulling one over on us this entire time, I would now. Who slaps a holiday message on what looks like a rejected boudoir shot and then shows it to the world? You'd have to either be a moron or a genius...

Ready For One Of The Worst Celebrity Mugshots We’ve Ever Seen?

Do you recognize the lady in the photo? That's Lisa Robin Kelly, the actress who played Eric's big sister on the first five seasons of That 70s Show. Lisa hasn't really been seen or heard from since leaving the show, but over the weekend she made quite the comeback... In mugshot form. The actress was arrested for driving under the influence and her mugshot is easily one of the worst we've ever seen. It's on some Nick Nolte shit. Click through to get a glimpse of the actress' worst moment: ...
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