Hey, Harry Potter Brains (is that what Harry Potter fans call themseves? Like Twihards? I’m not sure, that’s just my guess.) Have you seen this gem floating around your Internets yet?
MTV news interviewed all of those adorable Harry Potter kids (they’ll always be children to me, you can suck it) and asked them to read some “American” phrases (stuff like “The Olive Garden” and “Boo-yah!” and other stupid shit that makes people in our country sound dumb and frivolous) to test their ability to do our accent. Emma Watson’s American accent was shockingly bad, while Rupert Grint’s was pretty impressive. Daniel Radcliff’s could have used some work, too.
Who did you think was the most convincing?
I think Tom Felton nails it!
Tom Felton totally nailed it! Rupert, the adorable Rupert, did a pretty great job, too. :D
Once a fog breather, always a fog breather.
It’s the freedom language.
haha! definitely the best part
tom felton all the way!
Since when is Glenn Beck considered an American icon?
Scary thought.
tom felton’s was the best, i’d say, haha.
Tom Felton was good, but so was Rupert.