Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Miley Cyrus Splashes Around With Her New Beau

Miley Cyrus and Douglas Booth Filming LOL Quick rant: We've talked a little bit about how Miley Cyrus is currently filming a movie called LOL: Laughing Out Loud, but can we talk about how lame that movie title is? In a world where we're making movies about Facebook, do we really need to subtitle a film called LOL "Laughing Out Loud"? Wouldn't you say that if someone is going to go see a movie starring Miley Cyrus that they most likely already know what "LOL" means in Internet-speak? And if they're just finding out what it means from...

Was Anyone Else Humiliated To Watch the Real Housewives Reuinion Last Night?

The second part of the Real Housewives of New Jersey reunion was on Bravo last night and it was absolute mayhem. Now, look: You guys know at this point that I'm not shy about swear words and harsh language. In fact, one might say that I am limited to using swear words and harsh language, so you know that if I thought Kim G.'s mouth was completely foul last night, it had to be pretty bad. Here's the thing with Kim G., though. It's not just the words coming out of her mouth. It's the eff'd u...

In Other News …

Are Sean Penn and Charlize Theron dating? Wow. [Celebslam] Is Kanye West really still apologizing to Taylor Swift after all of this time? [popbytes] I guess some people think that new movie Machete is anti-white propaganda. Uh, what? [Pajiba] Venus Williams in skimpy outfits. Me-YOW. [Celebitchy] Lily Allen: Pregnant and glowing. Really, I mean it. She looks amazing. [Amy Grindhouse] Shakira's only got me by an inch. This girl is seriously tiny. [CityRag] I'm sure the ...

This is Not the Way to Win a Mayoral Race

photo of levi johnston signing autographs It looks like old buddy old pal Levi Johnston (the Levi Johnston who's running for mayor of Wasilla, AK) might have a problem winning that whole pesky "popular vote" thing when it comes to his possible run for Wasilla mayor. And why? Probably because the entire state hates him, and that might not even be counting the citizens of Wasilla, who's opinion kinda matters. A poll was taken by Public Policy Polling and it shows that Johnston is the Most Unpopular Person in "politics" accordin...

Lady Gaga is So Avant-Garde That She Poses With Raw Meat

photo of lady gaga posing in raw meat And by "with," I mean "under." Lady Gaga is taking the meat department music world by storm, taking risks with fashion and totally killing it every time. I mean, obviously. It'd be kind of hard to walk around carrying live cow meat on your back for a photo shoot. Unless you were strong like ox, not unlike Lady Gaga. Of course she might be able to pull that off. I don't know, guys. I never got into the whole Gaga rage, and I'm still not seeing what the big deal is about, but the ...

Young Lass Miley Cyrus Goes Clubbing in Paris

photo of miley cyrus possibly drunk and dancing in the club Tell me that doesn't look like someone in the throes of E, and I'll laugh at you for not knowing the signs. I'm kidding. Not only have I never taken E, I don't think I've ever been around someone on E, but I've heard they're rather ... fun. Anyway, Miley Cyrus is in France filming her latest movie LOL, which features the underage star drinking, smoking, doing drugs, and losing her virginity -- and that's just in the movie. God knows what she's doing in real life, especially in old Pa...

Happy Labor Day!

We're not around today, so allow the Black Eyed Peas to entertain you with their song of the same name. (And yeah, sorry for the horrible choice in songs, but it's not as if there's a whole lot of "Labor Day" songs floating around out there.) Catch you tomorrow! /> We're not around today, so allow the Black Eyed Peas to entertain you with their song of the same name. (And yeah, sorry for the horrible choice in songs, but it's not as if there's a whole lot of "Labor Day" songs floating around out there.) Catch you tomorrow! ...

Let’s Talk About That Piranha Movie

Have you seen it yet?  I've been thinking about it, because I do enjoy horror movies and movies featuring water (which I realize sounds kind of lame, but come on.  Anaconda?  Titanic? The Little Mermaid?  I never stood a chance.), and I also have one of those friends who yells incessantly at the screen during horror movies, which is always awesome. Anyway, apparently enough people have seen Piranha to warrant a sequel.  And I'm not excited because of any preconceived notion that the first Piranha is groundbreaking e...

Amy Winehouse Is Single: Let’s Expect A Hot Mess Soon

A photo of Amy Winehouse Yeah, all you eligible bachelors out there best get your meth on and do your damnedest to snag this gem up before someone else does.  Amy broke up with her boyfriend, Reg Traviss, back in August after some photos were released of Reg hanging out with an ex-girlfriend.  Tough break for Amy. The original story was published in The Sun, and here's a quote from their source: "She (Winehouse) hasn't spoken to Reg since and she's told everyone that it's over. She's pretty cut up (upset) about it, she was serious about him. Amy ...

Quotables: Emma Watson Slams Twilight

A photo of Emma Watson "Harry Potter is not Twilight, you know; we're not selling sex." - Emma Watson giving another reason why Harry Potter is different from Twilight. I think that brings the count of differences up to two:  Harry Potter doesn't sell sex, and Twilight doesn't have any literary value.  Oh wait, the vampires in Harry Potter don't sparkle in the sunlight. Feel free to add your own list of differences in the comments....

Does Lady Gaga Have An Eating Disorder?

A photo of Lady Gaga So there's a new Lady Gaga biography called Poker Face:  The Rise and Rise of Lady Gaga.  That's all well and good, but in the book, Gaga's old tour manager, David Ciemny, makes some pretty worrisome statements about the singer's health.  According to him, Lady Gaga has a habit of alternating between binging junk food and not eating altogether, and her eating habits put her in the hospital six times in 2009 alone. I believe it, but mostly just because I tend to believe everything I hear abou...

Is John Travolta Gay?

A photo of John Travolta I know you guys, this is a completely new rumor that just started recently.  Crazy, right?  Who would have thought? Ok, ok but seriously, there's a brand new rumor about John Travolta's sexuality, and that's what this is about.  Apparently, John's been dabbling around in the gay spa subculture (which really,all jokes aside, just sounds delightful). Here's a quote from a little memoir called You'll Never Spa in This Town Again: "I met John in 1998, after he had married Kelly. I believe the marriage is a total fraud because John is totally into guys and has been having sex with them behind Kell...
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