Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Look At What Our Girl Did!

Photo via TMZ Here's a picture of a tattoo Lindsay is in the process of getting done.  She would have had it finished by now, but, you know, she had other things to do, so right now it just looks like a shitty scar.  According to TMZ though, it's supposed to be a little girl with her eyes closed, and Lindsay picked it because "she liked the innocence of the girl." Hey, maybe Lindsay can get it finished in jail - oh wait, everyone there hates her and they can't touch her anyway. That's cool, it doesn't matter.  She's probably going to be out of jail sometime this week, and there's even a possibility that she'll get out today.  I'm betting that by August we'll see the finished product, which will be just the latest bad decision of a girl who still hasn't changed. I hope Lindsay stays at least a solid two weeks in rehab, but at this point, I'm not getting my hopes up. />Photo via TMZ Here's a picture of a tattoo Lindsay is in the process of getting done.  She would have had it finished by now, but, you know, she had other things to do, so right now it just looks like a shitty scar.  According to TMZ though, it's supposed to be a little girl with her eyes closed, and Lindsay picked it because "she liked the innocence of the girl." Hey, maybe Lindsay can get it finished in jail - oh wait, everyone there hates her and they can't touch her anyway. That's cool,...

Would You Wear Robert Pattinson Underwear?

Not Robert Pattinson's actual underwear.  That's not what this is about, and if you would wear his underwear, then go ahead and take a moment of reflection before you continue reading. Rob has inspired a new line of underwear at the British store, Marks and Spencer, called the R-Pant.  The R-Pant (yes, I'm going to use the word "R-Pant" as often as I can from now on) is designed to be worn under skinny jeans, and you can get them in boxer or brief form.  They go on sale in September, so guys, try and keep an eye on your waistbands until then. I think this finally makes it official:  the Twihards and the hipsters are taking over the world.  I'm trying to think of another subculture that has had a special underwear made just for them, and I can't do it.  If you guys can think of another example, please let me know, because right now I'm ready to just give in and get a silly haircut, buy some accessories from Hot Topic, and call it a day. />Not Robert Pattinson's actual underwear.  That's not what this is about, and if you would wear his underwear, then go ahead and take a moment of reflection before you continue reading. Rob has inspired a new line of underwear at the British store, Marks and Spencer, called the R-Pant.  The R-Pant (yes, I'm going to use the word "R-Pant" as often as I can from now on) is designed to be worn under skinny jeans, and you can get them in boxer or brief form.  They go on sale in September, so gu...

Kim Kardashian Tweets From The Heart

When a women used Twitter to tell the world that she was planning on getting plastic surgery to make her face and body look just like Kim Kardashian's in an attempt to convince her husband not to leave her, Kim made sure to retweet it, along with a simple "NO."  She also had a couple of inspirational messages to pass along to the woman:
Pls dont. Ur husband should love u 4 who u are! Don't try 2 b someone else. Im sure u are beautiful inside &out! Just as u are Don't change yourself for anybody but happy with who u are! Someone will appreciate and adore u just as you are.
I have my doubts that the original Tweet was legitimate (it included an @KimKardashian, which kind of makes it look like some girl was just looking to get a little shout-out from a Kardashian), but even if it wasn't, I'm sure there are already a couple ladies who have gotten some form of plastic surgery inspired by Kim Kardashian.  I say good on her for giving that tried and true message of "no really, please just be yourself," and hopefully at least one poor impressionable girl with a Twitter account will listen. />When a women used Twitter to tell the world that she was planning on getting plastic surgery to make her face and body look just like Kim Kardashian's in an attempt to convince her husband not to leave her, Kim made sure to retweet it, along with a simple "NO."  She also had a couple of inspirational messages to pass along to the woman: Pls dont. Ur husband should love u 4 who u are! Don't try 2 b someone else. Im sure u are beautiful inside &out! Just as u are Don't change yourself for anybo...

Love It or Leave It

-Blake Lively at Comic-Con in those stupid harem pants and with three quarters of her cleavage exposed.  I mean, I think Blake Lively is as attractive as the next girl, but attractive girls can look dumb just like anyone else.  I'm going to say I'd leave this horrid 80's fashion collage in a hot second, which is fine, because you know she just wore it to tease all the LARP nerds at Comic-Con. Not cool by any count, Blake. />...

This Is Why You Clean Your House

Or at least have somebody inspect it every once in a while. Earlier this week, it was announced that Brittany Murphy and her husband, Simon Monjack, shared the same cause of death: pneumonia and anemia.  It turns out that the Department of Public Health has taken over the investigation of their deaths because of some mold that was found in the house. The mold issue came up way back when, just after Brittany died, but it wasn't said to be a "contributing factor."  Guess again, right? After Simon died, Brittany's mom wouldn't let the coroner in to check out the mold, but it looks like she's changed her mind. Probably because the house is killing people and she doesn't want to be the final victim.  Way to look out for number one, Mrs. Murphy. />Or at least have somebody inspect it every once in a while. Earlier this week, it was announced that Brittany Murphy and her husband, Simon Monjack, shared the same cause of death: pneumonia and anemia.  It turns out that the Department of Public Health has taken over the investigation of their deaths because of some mold that was found in the house. The mold issue came up way back when, just after Brittany died, but it wasn't said to be a "contributing factor."  Guess again, right? Afte...

The Most Hilarious Concert Ever Happened Friday Night

Do you guys listen to Kings of Leon?  You know, that "Sex on Fire" business?  If not, don't worry about it, because this is still an amusing story. The band was supposed to give a concert in St. Louis on Friday, and they did, but it got cut way short because there were pigeons in the rafters of the building.  And those pigeons pooped on them.  A lot. From People:
"Jared [Followill, the band's bassist] was hit several times during the first two songs," said Andy Mendelsohn of Vector Management. "It's not only disgusting – it's a toxic health hazard. They really tried to hang in there." The dirty birds were reported to have been lurking in the rafters of the Missouri city's Verizon Amphitheatre and launching their aerial attack during the band's opening number, "Closer." Followill, 23, got it in the face. "I was hit by pigeons on each of the first three songs," said the musician and self-professed germophobe. "We had 20 songs on the set list. By the end of the show, I would have been covered from head to toe."
I'm trying to imagine a scenario in which shitting birds call for a cancellation of a concert, but I just can't do it.  I'm not saying it couldn't happen, I just can't picture that particular crisis in any way that isn't  ridiculously cartoonish, complete with big comic book bubbles that say things like "Splat!" and "Kaboosh!"  Somehow I don't think that's exactly how things went down though. />Do you guys listen to Kings of Leon?  You know, that "Sex on Fire" business?  If not, don't worry about it, because this is still an amusing story. The band was supposed to give a concert in St. Louis on Friday, and they did, but it got cut way short because there were pigeons in the rafters of the building.  And those pigeons pooped on them.  A lot. From People: "Jared [Followill, the band's bassist] was hit several times during the first two songs," said Andy Mendelsohn of Vector Management. "...

I Know Everyone Was Worried…

But good news! Amanda Bynes is back! When Amanda retired last month, I was heartbroken, like I'm sure many of you were.  I haven't seen anything she's done since The Amanda Show, but that was a real good show, you know?  I'd always hoped she'd get a new show on Nickelodeon, or maybe do a guest appearance on iCarly or something.  My hopes were crushed, but now everything's ok, because Amanda once again took to her Twitter to announce the state of her career, and here's what she had to say:
i've unretired
So you guys go out and have a good time tonight with the knowledge that Amanda Bynes is going to go back to making mediocre movies.  I know I will! />But good news! Amanda Bynes is back! When Amanda retired last month, I was heartbroken, like I'm sure many of you were.  I haven't seen anything she's done since The Amanda Show, but that was a real good show, you know?  I'd always hoped she'd get a new show on Nickelodeon, or maybe do a guest appearance on iCarly or something.  My hopes were crushed, but now everything's ok, because Amanda once again took to her Twitter to announce the state of her career, and here's what she had to say: i've unre...

Of Course There Are Already Pregnancy Rumors

Just a few days after Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr got married, several people are speculating that the quick marriage was due to Miranda being knocked up, and those rumors weren't helped along when Miranda cancelled an appearance in an upcoming fashion show. The Daily Mail claims that sources say Miranda's already three months' pregnant, and an Australian columnist has said that they've already announced the pregnancy to friends and family. And here's a quote Miranda made a few weeks ago:
"I have always been very open about wanting to be a mother one day. And I’ve always thought Orlando would be a great dad."
What do you think?  Was the wedding rushed to avoid having a child out of wedlock, or are they just in love?  If and when the couple does have children, would they not be the most adorable celebrity offspring?  Do you even care about the state of Miranda Kerr's uterus? />Just a few days after Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr got married, several people are speculating that the quick marriage was due to Miranda being knocked up, and those rumors weren't helped along when Miranda cancelled an appearance in an upcoming fashion show. The Daily Mail claims that sources say Miranda's already three months' pregnant, and an Australian columnist has said that they've already announced the pregnancy to friends and family. And here's a quote Miranda made a few weeks ago: "I have alwa...

Levi Johnston: Music Video Star!

From what I've seen of Levi Johnston, he does nothing without class and eloquence.  Ok, of course I'm kidding, but I love watching this trashy kid create his own drama and roll around in it, and it doesn't look like he's going to stop anytime soon. Levi's going to appear in Brittani Senser's video for "After Love."  I don't have a clue who the Brittani chick is, and I don't need to, because here's the video's concept:  Levi plays a good ol' boy in love who has to deal with the disapproval of his girlfriend's mother.  And nobody gives a fuck what Sarah Palin thinks:
"I don't think we're going to be concerned about what Gov. Palin would want. I think that given the script, [Johnston] should be able to turn in a good performance."
Oh, I'm sure he will.  Filming for the video starts on August 9, so I guess we'll have to wait a month to see how this particular slice of crazy Alaskan drama goes down. And just a little casting tip:  I think they should get the girl who was in Who's Nailin' Paylin to play the girlfriend's mom, because she was lovely.  Just a suggestion. />From what I've seen of Levi Johnston, he does nothing without class and eloquence.  Ok, of course I'm kidding, but I love watching this trashy kid create his own drama and roll around in it, and it doesn't look like he's going to stop anytime soon. Levi's going to appear in Brittani Senser's video for "After Love."  I don't have a clue who the Brittani chick is, and I don't need to, because here's the video's concept:  Levi plays a good ol' boy in love who has to deal with the disapproval ...

And You Thought You’d Get Out Of Lindsay Lohan News…

Well, you'd be wrong, because even while locked up in jail, Lindsay can really generate some gossip.  The girl has a gift, and I am not about to put her light under a bushel basket. So yeah, Lindsay has been having a rough time in jail.  An inmate who was released on Friday was gracious enough to let people know what's going on with her:
“Lindsay would lie there shivering all night, crying and trying to cover her face with her hands. Her wailing was keeping everyone awake.”
The inmate also discussed an episode Lindsay had on Friday:
“She is in with the killers and she has only been let out for hour-long breaks, and during those she was locked down to a table. Today (Friday), Lindsay got put on lockdown. She had a hysterical fit, crying and yelling so she got put in isolation.”
Another freshly released inmate opened up about the taunting Lindsay's facing at the hands of the other prisoners:
“She was just sitting in her cell staring straight ahead. Sometimes wailing, but mostly just sitting. Some of the inmates in our ward, some of the tougher ones, were yelling ‘fire crotch’ at her. They just started chanting it at her. Lindsay didn’t say nothing. She was crying though.”
While this all sounds awful ... I mean, it's jail.  If you drive drunk a couple times and do some cocaine every once in a while, you should at least consider the possibility that one day you could be in an orange jumpsuit, eating gross food and listening to people mock your natural hair color. />Well, you'd be wrong, because even while locked up in jail, Lindsay can really generate some gossip.  The girl has a gift, and I am not about to put her light under a bushel basket. So yeah, Lindsay has been having a rough time in jail.  An inmate who was released on Friday was gracious enough to let people know what's going on with her: “Lindsay would lie there shivering all night, crying and trying to cover her face with her hands. Her wailing was keeping everyone awake.” The inmate...

What Did You Guys Do Last Night?

I went to a Tino Coury concert last night, so that's probably better. I just want to make sure you guys know about Tino.  He's kind of like Justin Bieber, if Justin Bieber had gone through puberty correctly and turned out halfway attractive.  He's also about a thousand times more earnest.  Just look at his heartfelt hand gestures when he talks about reading your diary and you can tell that he means every word he sings. Also, he has a lyric that says "I feel just like J.T. on that 'Cry Me a River.'"  And there's no way I c...

Lindsay Lost Her Roomie

And not the guy in the gold shirt.  But oh, how I wish it could have been the guy in the gold shirt... Alexis Neiers, the girl with the roses and the balloon animal and also the girl that was living in the cell next to Lindsay Lohan's, was released from jail yesterday after serving just 30 days of her 180-day sentence.  You know, the sentence she received for breaking into Orlando Bloom's house (she also broke into Lindsay's house, but she didn't go to court for that one). Although it's incredibly lame that she got out of jail so soon, she will have to pay up to $600,000 in restitution and she's going to be on probation for three years, so I guess that's something. This is all so tragic for Lindsay, though.  Who is she going to talk to during those lonesome days, locked up in her cell with nary a friend in sight?  Who is she going to laugh with over the less fortunate, less attractive women in the cells around them? And most importantly, if Alexis served such a small fraction of her original sentence, when is Lindsay really going to get out? />And not the guy in the gold shirt.  But oh, how I wish it could have been the guy in the gold shirt... Alexis Neiers, the girl with the roses and the balloon animal and also the girl that was living in the cell next to Lindsay Lohan's, was released from jail yesterday after serving just 30 days of her 180-day sentence.  You know, the sentence she received for breaking into Orlando Bloom's house (she also broke into Lindsay's house, but she didn't go to court for that one). Although it's inc...
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