Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Dolly Parton Goes To Bat For Miley "If you think I'm going to sit here and pass judgment on Miley, you're wrong. I think she's beautiful. I love her. She's trying to grow up, you know, I remember when I was horny and young." - Dolly Parton defending her goddaughter Miley Cyrus' sexy new style to MSNBC....

Which Celebrity Has The Most Facebook Fans?

What Star Has The Most Facebook Fans? If you had to guess which Facebook fan page (those groups you join to show support for your favorite TV show or actress or snack food) had the most members, what would you say? My guess would be something popular amongst high school and college kids (who I would assume are the most active group of users), more or less gender neutral, and something that Christians and hethens alike can get down with. Like that show Lost or maybe that band Nickelback that everyone seems to love so much. The ...

Lily Performs In The UK For The Last Time

Lily Allen at The 2010 Wireless Festival Yesterday in Hyde Park, Lily Allen performed what she called her last gig in the UK for quite some time. The singer (one of my faves) said that she was going to retire from the biz after her second album to concentrate on starting a family. This news was pretty upsetting to most of her fans, but like most retirements in this industry, I doubt Lily will stay out of the game for long. Check out these photos of Lily performing yesterday at the 2010 Wireless Festival: [gallery]...

The Beginning of a Beautiful Feud

A photo of Lindsay Lohan So yeah, that waitress that allegedly punched poor Lindsay on her birthday?  She isn't just an ordinary waitress:  her name is Jasmine Waltz, and she's dated people like Ryan Seacrest and Doug Reinhardt. She also dated this rugby player who - get this - was hanging out with Lindsay at her birthday party.  The plot thickens! Sadly, according to Jasmine, Lindsay was lying about the punch: "All I have to say is that disturbed little train wreck is delusional.  I did not hit her, but I'd...

In Other News …

Kristen Stewart is way more paranoid and worried and borderline irrational than anyone could have ever imagined.  Poor lass.  [Celebslam] Hey Stephen Dorff! I thought you died. [popbytes] The best Twilight review of all-fucking-time. [Pajiba] If Lindsay goes to jail, it's totally OK because she's a "tough bitch." Eyeroll. Yes, Lindsay, everyone's afraid of getting the herp. We all know this. [Celebitchy] The greasiest dude east of the Jersey Shore has a kid now. [Amy Grindhouse] The greatest 4th of July supermodel nip-slip gift of all time. This time. NSFW. [CityRag] Courtney Love used to stab Kurt Cobain. Next up in completely unsurprising news: Courtney Love is crazy. [Pop on the Pop] Olivia Munn was "surprised" that she'd have to go "nude" for Playboy. I thought geeks were supposed to be smart? [Zelda Lily] I heard Liz Phair's new album was kinda bum. Have you guys listened to it yet? [OMGBlog] Reese Witherspoon looks better and better as the days go by. [Celebrity Smack Blog] />Kristen Stewart is way more paranoid and worried and borderline irrational than anyone could have ever imagined.  Poor lass.  [Celebslam] Hey Stephen Dorff! I thought you died. [popbytes] The best Twilight review of all-fucking-time. [Pajiba] If Lindsay goes to jail, it's totally OK because she's a "tough bitch." Eyeroll. Yes, Lindsay, everyone's afraid of getting the herp. We all know this. [Celebitchy] The greasiest dude east of the Jersey Shore has a kid now. [Amy Grindhouse] The greatest 4th of July supermodel nip-slip gift...

Elle MacPherson Doesn’t Care About Animals

A photo of Elle Macpherson In a recent interview, Elle MacPherson was asked about her interest in Chinese medicine, and she admitted to consuming powdered rhino horn.  She said that it tastes "a little bit like crushed bone and fungus in a capsule,"  but it "does the job."  Ok, let's dissect this real quick. Rhino horns have been used to treat a variety of ailments for centuries, and although research has shown that the horns don't contain any real healing qualities, they are still extremely sought after.  The demand for rh...

Janeane Garofolo is Paranoid Delusional, Political, and Hates Hairless Vaginas

The video speaks for itself. Loudly. After watching, what have you learned, boys and girls? 1. Your computer is spying on you. The government is probably at your back door right now, installing fiber-optic cameras that will track your every move. Beware. 2. Anyone with fashion -- and grooming sense -- should, you know, take this very seriously. Because it's coming from Janeane Garofalo, and she appears to be the pinnacle of proper grooming. That, and you're a child molester if you like well-groomed, non-bushy, non-invasive nether regions. 3. Liberal government politics liberal politics you aren't listening to me politics I'm liberal don't you know a very staunch staunch liberal with a lot of government liberal political activism look at me politics blah blah blah. Great lesson, huh? /> The video speaks for itself. Loudly. After watching, what have you learned, boys and girls? 1. Your computer is spying on you. The government is probably at your back door right now, installing fiber-optic cameras that will track your every move. Beware. 2. Anyone with fashion -- and grooming sense -- should, you know, take this very seriously. Because it's coming from Janeane Garofalo, and she appears to be the pinnacle of proper grooming. That, and you're a child molester if ...

Jessica Simpson’s Pregnant?

picture of jessica simpson looking pregnant I think Jess would make a good mom.  Really, I do.  She'd be super-awesome at bedtime stories, throwing crazy voices for all of the characters in the book and making things up as she went.  She'd wear vintage aprons, do a lot of baking, and plan scavenger hunts for her kids.  She'd mop and wax the floor while simultaneously balancing a teething baby on her ample hip, and after a long day's work, she'd put the kids to bed and curl up on the sofa with a box of Ghirardelli. Just more thing...

Matthew Bellamy Confirms Your Worst Fears

photo of new couple matthew bellamy of muse, and actress kate hudson Yes, friends, he's publicly acknowledged the fact that he is dating America's very own Kate Hudson. [Watches Muse fans die a thousand deaths.] Bellamy speaks to Britain's The Sun (which is a real, live newspaper, as pointed out by one of our readers) and claims that he's not only seeing the serial dater, but it's getting serious, too. He's set up to meet the actress's legendary mother, Goldie Hawn, sometime this week: "I'm meeting her (Hawn) next week... I'm already nervous. I don't want ...

Check Out Ms. LOL-han’s Latest Lady Lovah

42128, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Thursday July 1 2010. An upbeat Lindsay Lohan in good spirits as she and new gal pal Eliat Anschel (dark hair) leave the Arclight cinema after 1am. The ladies, who were also joined by another unidentified woman, has been to see the Twilight Saga: Eclipse . Photograph:  David Tonnessen,*FEE MUST BE AGREED PRIOR TO USAGE E-TABLET/IPAD & MOBILE PHONE APP PUBLISHING REQUIRES ADDITIONAL FEES** Her name is Eilat Anschel, and she's a former member of the Israeli Defense Force. Oh, and she's kinda hot. Did you happen to notice? Of course you did. According to sources, Lohan and Anschel have gotten quite cozy over the past few weeks, after they met in LA a few months back when Anschel finished up some of her IDF duties. Friends of the new couple state that Anschel has been really great at wiping away Lindsay's most recent barrage of self-induced tears, and Lindsay is, in turn -- natura...

America! Fuck Yeah!

HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY BITCHES!!!! As a dirty Jew, I don't celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. I respect the dude and believe him to be a great spiritual leader, I just don't throw a birthday party for him any more than I throw a birthday party for Eckhart Tolle. Heh. I might do that next year, though. The invite: What: My Eckhartmas Party! Where: Now When: Now What should I bring?: Your pain body. Also, wine and any appetizers you think you'll want. The point of all this? 4th of July is my Christmas! I celebrate the birth of my very favorite country in the whole wide world, as fundamentally driven by a mass insanity as it is. It may be an ego-driven nation out to destroy any hope of peace on earth, but, goddamn it, it's my ego-driven nation out to destroy any hope of peace on earth, and it's got a bald eagle's talon-grip on my heart. (Fortunately, bald eagles will be extinct soon.) America, thank you for killing people in the name of my gas prices, for keeping those horrid gay people from ruining my life by marrying each other, and also for Furbies. (Furbies are awesome 95% of the time.) I love you America. I would say we should get married but I'm pretty sure you're a chick. Get outside, get some sun, get drunk, then get a cab. Get home safe. Don't do stupid shit. Before you do stupid shit, ask yourself "Would Beet say this is stupid shit?" and if the answer is yes, don't do it. Happy Fourth. YAY AMERICA! /> HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY BITCHES!!!! As a dirty Jew, I don't celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. I respect the dude and believe him to be a great spiritual leader, I just don't throw a birthday party for him any more than I throw a birthday party for Eckhart Tolle. Heh. I might do that next year, though. The invite: What: My Eckhartmas Party! Where: Now When: Now What should I bring?: Your pain body. Also, wine and any appetizers you think you'll want. The point of all this? 4th of Jul...

In Other News …

Katy Perry goes topless for Esquire. [Celebslam] Maggie Griffin is much, much funnier than her daughter, Kathy. And much less obnoxious. [popbytes] The Five Best and Worst Films of 2010 (so far). [Pajiba] Supermodel supermom Gisele says her 7 month-old baby is already potty trained. And this does not surprise me one bit. Next month, he'll be working for the CIA in covert operations. [Celebitchy] This chick thinks that Obama's a great, big pussy. [Zelda Lily] Paris Hilton was detained for pot, but she was freed. Heh. [Allie is Wired] Whitney Port fat? And yeah, she rocks it so well. [Amy Grindhouse] Joey Tribbiani just can't get past Friends, and it's showing. [Betty Confidential] Dolly Parton remembers what it was like to be horny. You know, a century ago, when she was only forty. [OMGBlog] Someone was dense enough to date Joe Francis, let alone fucking agree to be his wife?! [Celebrity Smack Blog] />Katy Perry goes topless for Esquire. [Celebslam] Maggie Griffin is much, much funnier than her daughter, Kathy. And much less obnoxious. [popbytes] The Five Best and Worst Films of 2010 (so far). [Pajiba] Supermodel supermom Gisele says her 7 month-old baby is already potty trained. And this does not surprise me one bit. Next month, he'll be working for the CIA in covert operations. [Celebitchy] This chick thinks that Obama's a great, big pussy. [Zelda Lily] Paris Hilton wa...