And you’d just have to be rockin’ out in utero to be this cool, this soon.
She’s sixteen years old, but she’s been putting the perfect band element “for years.” Excuse me while I go ralph. And yeah. I said “ralph.”
Momsen spoke to Ten Gossip earlier this week about what makes a rock-goddess maven tick, and claims that the work she’s put into making her band epic is what drives her to succeed:
On who she would chose dead or alive to have dinner with:
“John Lennon.”
On if she could go back in time where she would go:
“Roaring twenties.”
On how the band got together:
“I’ve been working on putting the right band together for years, and now it’s finally clicked.”
On her favorite song on the EP:
“They all have their own meaning to me, can’t really pick a favorite.”
On her favorite part of the album making process:
“All of it really, the writing can be cathartic.”
On if she wrote the songs herself on the EP or collaborated with anyone:
“I wrote it with my guitar player.”
On how she would describe her music:
Wow. Girlfriend doesn’t pull any punches with her interviews. I just love how in-depth she got with so many of her answers. And she probably does it on purpose in order to, you know, leave herself open for interpretation, ’cause that’s what all true artists do. Leave themselves open to ridicule. for interpretation.
These guys over at Ten Gossip must be so pleased. They really got their money’s worth on this one, lemme tell you.
You know, you give the girl a lot of shit for putting up all this act but one of her songs is on the Kick-Ass soundtrack and to be honest it's not half bad. It's no life-changing tune but she's got a very cool voice and the song is good. So yeah, she might be a bit pretentious… but she's talented at singing.
Chick is such a poseur. Her “band” that she's so hardcore about? When they started out and got their record deal together (keep in mind that they had written a lot of the songs on the album), the record label decided that her bandmates didn't have the right look, so they gave her al ultimatum. Get new “cooler looking” bandmates or no record deal.
Guess which one she chose?
Like I said, effin poseur. Go home, little girl.
actually she can sing, but that part about “been looking for the right band for years”??? what? she started to be such a hardcore girl at 13?? don't make me laugh. and her bandmates must be such losers to be in a rock band with a 15 year old girl… or perverts
The girl is so pretty on the outside, but just nasty & vile on the inside. Too bad, what a waste.