So, Snooki, at 4’9″, claims that she weighs 110 pounds. Now, I’ll be honest: I’m not a good estimator when it comes to height-weight ratios, but I think that sounds pretty accurate for someone of her stature. She’s not a tiny, skinny-scrawny little thing, and because she’s as short as she is, it shows.
And … because of that, Snookers claims that she’s going to try out the Cookie Diet in an effort to lose those extra ten pounds that she claimed arrived around the time Jersey Shore initially debuted. Snooki speaks exclusively to Us Magazine and states that she’s really serious about cleaning up her figure:
“I used to be fit,” she tells “Now I look at myself, and I’m like, What the hell happened? … I would like be back to 100 lbs; I’m 110 right now.”
Cookie diet? Snooki diet? There’s a lot of fun things you can do with this, but I’m just too jaded by the Shore kids to even dream anything that glaringly good up.
Good luck with the cookies, Snooki. Maybe if you lay off the heavy cream-based drinks and margaritas, or took your castmates’ weight loss suggestions, you wouldn’t have to resort to the, um, revered cookie diet.
I'm 4'10″, 120 lbs, and I look SIGNIFICANTLY slimmer than she does. Girl's gotta weigh more than 110!
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Can you give me an approximate date on when your next post might be. Is there an automatic signup for it?
Girl’s gotta weigh more than 110!
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You you could change the post name title Cookie Monster: Snooki’s Latest Diet | Evil Beet Gossip to something more catching for your subject you write. I loved the post yet.