Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Are The Jersey Shore Kids a Bunch of Cokeheads?

Jersey Shore Cocaine Scandal

Let’s just review the facts about the kids on Jersey Shore: 1) They’re white trash (sorry if that offends you, but be real), 2) They suddenly have money to burn, and 3) They’re living in Miami. Is it any wonder that rumors are flying that the some of the Shore kids are scoring yeyo down in South Beach like it ain’t no thang? Hmmm, didn’t MTV just have a character on a reality show do the exact same thing? And didn’t E! do something like that before both of these shows? Just sayin’

From RadarOnline:

“Finding someone to buy drugs from in South Beach is as easy as asking for it,” the source said. “It’s not hard and everyone is discreet.”

The cast members do get some time to go off by themselves and when the cameras weren’t rolling that’s when the extracurricular activity began.

“A connection was made and that’s all it took,” the source told “A lot of things were done in code. Other people knew about it but no one ratted out this person.”

Drugs were not done in the house where everyone lived and the individual who scored coke was very careful to keep it away from the spotlight.

“But they all know each other so well. They will never admit it, never admit it happened,” the source added. “But it was an open secret among some.

Not to act crazy jaded, but no duh these kids are doing drugs. There’s a television show based on how wild they are when they go out partying together, obviously they’re not just hitting the bottle. One can’t maintain a relentless fist pump without the aid of some kind of stimulant, you know what I’m saying? I’m not condoning their drug use, but if we’re going to insist on keeping these jackasses on television, I’m not going to critique their survival tactics.

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