Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Gwen’s Got a Shaggy New Look

Gwen's Summer Glam Gwen Stefani stepped out with her beautiful family in Hollywood yesterday, but the thing that caught everyone's eye was her brand new hair-do. It's a shorter, shaggier, looser look than we're used to seeing from Gwen (who also was sporting all black for a change) and while I love the style-- girl! Keep that hair out of your eyes! A headband, a bobby pin, something! I assure you that it will only be a couple of weeks running after her kids with all that hair in her face before Gwen gives up ...

LOLhan Leaves Cannes For Real

These photos of Lindsay Lohan saying goodbye to her Cannes friends on a yacht this morning are hysterical to me for some reason. The girl has a warrant out for her arrest, she's passportless, and she's waking up on a yacht in France all haggard-looking. If either one of those things happened to me I'd probably be hysterical and afriad to be alive but Lohan's doing the whole, "OMG! It was soooo good seeing you!" thing with her friends and giving her driver a "Hold the fuck on, I'm coming!" loo...

Twilight Fans Created the Most Disgusting Thing I’ve Ever Seen

Twilight Fans Do Arts and Crafts I was just scrolling through my Tumblr dashboard when I happened across the completely revolting image above. Of course I assumed that someone had left a mushroom or their breast implant inside of a wet basement for 40 years or something, but no. After reading on I discovered that this is actually just some sick-ass Breaking Dawn fan art. From rhymeswithemma: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn has just been confirmed for a Thanksgiving 2011 release date. Breaking Dawn will be directed by OSC...

Babies Do TMZ

Those little kids who reenact hilariously adult things are at it again and this time they're taking on TMZ. The little boy playing Harvey Levin is holding his signature coffee mug, the kids obnoxiously laugh between lame jokes and the footage is all shot at knee-height. Pretty funny. One question though: Why do all of these kids have speech impediments? Is that a dick question to ask? I'm not trying to be rude, but it's alarming to me that none of these kids can say a coherent sentence. Some of them...

Kim Cattrall Doesn’t Want You To Call Her a Cougar

Kim Cattrall Hates Being Called a Cougar You would think that after all these years of her most famous character being labeled a cougar that Kim Cattrall would have learned to embrace the term. Instead Kim's speaking out against how hurtful and anti-woman she finds the expression to be: I really take umbrage to the code ‘cougar.’ I think cougar has a negative connotation, and I don’t see anything negative about Samantha [her 'SATC' character] and her sexuality, sensuality and choice.” I don’t think she stands or sits in ...

Miley Cyrus Has Another Tattoo

Miley Cyrus Has a New Tattoo Miley Cyrus got inked again, but this time it's in a slightly more visible place. The 17-year old singer/actress appears to have gotten the world "love" tattooed in her ear. Trashy? Not exactly. But I still have the feeling that an ear tattoo is not something you want to see on an elderly woman. Ya know, because tattoos are forever, Miley. If Billy Ray's going to keep signing off on his underage daughter/paycheck getting her body inked up, then I hope he starts limiting her to places that ...

Deny, Deny, Deny

[caption id="attachment_60442" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Image via TMZ"]Lindsay Lohan Busted for Coke In Cannes[caption id="attachment_60442" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Image via TMZ"][/caption] We're a little late on mentioning this, but it's too good not to mention. Lindsay Lohan is in some mayyyyjor trouble right now. She was due back in the States for a court date, "lost her passport" and wound up getting stuck in  Cannes where it's been suspected that she's partying her face off and now? Now a picture of Lohan sitting next to a table with what appears to be cocaine on it in front of her ha...

Must…Resist…Temptation…To Pity… Jesse…James

Jesse James Cries In Nightline Interview Everyone's talking about this Jesse James Nightline interview that's supposed to air on Monday night and ugh, it's not looking good for those of us who want to keep hating him. Perhaps his act will be as transparent as Tiger's, but the soundbites that are being released by ABC are kind of heartbreaking. In the interview Jesse calls himself "the most hated man in the world" and says that he knows he "took a pretty amazing life and amazing success and marriage ... and threw it away by [his] own...

LOL! Is Kevin Jonas Still a Virgin?

Kevin Jonas and His Wife Don't Sleep Together Oh wow! This is my favorite thing I've read all week! According to a source who spoke to InTouch Magazine, 22-year old JoBro Kevin and his wifey Danielle are still sleeping in separate beds. Yeah. No. That's wont fuel any gay rumors at all, Kevin. Good people you have around you reporting that to magazines. Apparently sexy stuff isn't the issue, though. Kevin a saws logs all night long. You know, he "snores": From InTouch: They've only been married for five months, but Kevin Jonas and his...

In Other News …

How Demi Moore cured Ashton Kutcher of his "womanizing" ways and Jackson Hurst's crush on Rachel McAdams. [Betty Confidential] Wanna see some (more) photos of Paris Hilton wasted? [Celebslam] I still cannot believe that Grace Jones is 62. Wonder if she's collecting Social Security. [popbytes] It's really kind of frightening how much Colin Hanks looks like his dad, Tom. [Pajiba] Renee Zellweger goes cling-wrap and bugs the fuck out of Bradley Cooper. Psst ... your Bridget's showing, 'Nee. [Celebitchy] What's up with everyone wanting to bang Betty White these days? [Zelda Lily] Did Angelina Jolie recently suffer a miscarriage? [Allie is Wired] Kendra Wilkinson's really gonna start racking up the dough if she keeps up the lesbian tapes. [Amy Grindhouse] Holy glistening, sweaty, seductive Marc Jacobs! [OMG Blog] Yo, Beth Ditto, I think you lost some weight. [Celebrity Smack Blog] />How Demi Moore cured Ashton Kutcher of his "womanizing" ways and Jackson Hurst's crush on Rachel McAdams. [Betty Confidential] Wanna see some (more) photos of Paris Hilton wasted? [Celebslam] I still cannot believe that Grace Jones is 62. Wonder if she's collecting Social Security. [popbytes] It's really kind of frightening how much Colin Hanks looks like his dad, Tom. [Pajiba] Renee Zellweger goes cling-wrap and bugs the fuck out of Bradley Cooper. Psst ... your Bridget's showing, 'Nee. [Celebitchy] ...

Don’t Listen To This Unless You Have Health Insurance

I am currently wrapped in blankets, I've taken two Vicodin I have left over from my last dental surgery and I'm drinking hot tea. I wish someone had given me the same warning that I just gave you before I listened to Liza Minnelli covering Beyonce's "Single Ladies". This was made for the Sex and the City 2 soundtrack, which is just futher proof that this franchise needs to be stopped dead in its tracks. Look, I love Liza Minnelli as much as the next gay, I really do. But this is not chocolate and peanut butter. I don't want Liza in my Bey...
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