During his Nightline interview, Jesse James said that much of his self-destructive behavior is a result of feeling abandoned by his abusive father as a child. Jesse said, “I grew up with a huge amount of shame and fear and abandonment on my shoulders from a very young age and I think, you know, the way my mind rationalized [cheating], ‘Well, you know, I might as well do whatever I can to like run her off cause she is going to find out what I am anyway and leave me anyway.'” At the time this was a very sad twist to an already sad story, but Jesse’s stepmom has come out saying that Jesse’s story is a bunch of bull.
Jesse’s stepmom Janina spoke to TMZ and said, “Larry was the most caring father, the kindest father who would do anything for anybody. He loved Jesse to death and would brag about him all the time.” She also said that the broken bones and beat up body that Jesse attributed to his father’s lashings were actually because Jesse was into motocross.
I don’t think we’ll ever be certain of who is telling the truth. I am choosing to believe Jesse because it seems like Janina’s goal is to protect her man’s name and it’s all too typical for a step-parent to downplay the abuse their step-child goes through. Either way, this adds a whole ‘nother layer of bummer to this story.
Re: “I am choosing to believe Jesse because it seems like Janina’s goal is to protect her deceased husband’s name…”
Yeah, it has to be the mom that’s the one lying, because Jesse has shown everyone what an honest and upstanding guy he is.
Isn’t his father still alive? I just read a piece about Larry James denying the whole thing….
Yes, girl. You’re right, I updated that. I don’t know why I tell such morbid lies.
Because you are an idiot!
Jesse has been revealed as a chronic liar and a fine actor. My guess is he’ll work whatever angle he needs to to get Miss Moneybags wife back.
You notice that he didn’t come right out and say that his father beat him. Jesse said, “…It wasn’t so much getting the sh– beat out of me or getting my arm broken or getting kicked or whatever or punched”. Note the “it wasn’t”.
He evidently has been into Nazism for a long time too, but says he’s not racist. Yeah, people who are into respecting blacks, Jews, and homosexuals don’t usually have a fascination with Nazis, sorry Jesse.
This guy really knows how to pile on the b.s. and his crocodile tears are the biggest I can recall. Maybe Oprah will turn out to be a bigger liar, we’ll see. But at least she doesn’t troll the internet for tattooed “models” while married.
i’ve never known lousy parents to fess up to their abusive behavior (including my own parents) so it does not surprise me that his dad’s wife is defending herself and her husband.
My parents will go to the grave swearing they were good parents and did the best they could…if only they would pay for all the therapy i’ve needed.
Not to mention Jesse’s take on why he engages in destructive behavior makes a lot more sense than any of those who had great parents will ever understand. period.
i’m not excusing his behavior, but plenty of fucked up adults have reeeaally fucked up parents. Hopefully he will get the help he needs and make some big changes in his life…that will be the proof that he is truly sorry.
Wow…are we related? LOL I couldn’t have said it better.
By the way, if he had not gone public and admitted his shame and remorse on nightline what would people have wanted instead?
What more can a person say to demonstrate they are sorry enough to be believed..if he cries we say “he’s just acting,” if he doesn’t he’s a cold asshole.
What does “sorry” look like during an interview to make anyone believe it?
Seems to me he is damned if he does damned if he doesn’t…my question is, can a person truly be sorry for their behavior and the public believe them?
I mean, yeah he could be lying, but he also could be telling the truth and the emotion could very well a real representation of how much he has truly lost and how sad he is for all the pain he has caused.
The thing is, he might really be sorry, but is that enough? Would that be enough for you? He cheated. The trust is gone now, no matter how sorry he is.
no where did i say or imply sandra should go back to him.
i was more or less commenting on the response of the average commenter on the internet calling him a liar and actor when he says he is sorry.
I have no doubt he is is truly sorry, but that has nothing to do with Sandra ever being able to trust him or stay married.
Sometimes people really do mean it when they say it, that’s all.
Um, Molls, it’s his *EX* stepmother, which means that she has already divorced Jesse’s dad and is coming out to defend him. I think this slight detail changes profoundly changes the angle here.
Ugh. Grammar error.
nah. i believe jessie 100% on this one.
I don’t know if Jessie was abused as a child, but his inference that his dad broke his arm borders on bullshit.
According to Jesse’s sister, Jesse threw a ball over the fence and his dad was screaming at him to go retrieve it. When Jesse climbed the fence, he fell and broke his arm. If that’s the case, my parents abused the shit out of me cause I always had to go get the ball, and my mother was usually screaming.
Jesse’s sister does say that the dad was abusive; Jessie stretched the truth when he cited the broken arm as an example.
you act like you were there to witness his childhood. None of us know what really went down so stop quoting other (possible liars) as the gospel truth.