Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Apparently I’m Watching The New Men in Black Movie

I didn’t want to watch the first Men in Black movie because I was nine and I wasn’t into aliens, but my brother was a dick and threatened some kind of bodily harm if I didn’t see it, so I did.  I didn’t want to watch the second one, but Johnny Knoxville was in it, and since Johnny Knoxville is my secret love, I had to watch it.  I didn’t even know there was a third one in the works, but there is, and I’m going to have to watch that one too.

Jemaine Clement from Flight of the Conchords is going to be the villain, and I am beyond excited.  His character is described as “charmy and creepy,” so I’m even more pleased.  I also hope there’s a musical number involved.  Can’t you just see Jemaine being some charmy, creepy alien-type thing singing some beautiful but hilarious song? Go ahead and try for a minute if you can’t.

The third film will also feature that timeless duo, Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones, if you’re into that sort of thing, and its current release date is in summer 2012.  Mark your calendars for what will either be a complete mess or the best movie ever.  It’s all up to Jemaine.

4 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I’m so glad that he didn’t get will smiths role. (it was up there for a while that he would be another agent. )

  • I, too, will see this movie, but only because of Jemaine and my wierd fascination/crush on him…

  • That pussy is going to be a villain? What is he going to do, beat people with his purse? He is a faggot for God’s sake!